Death and the Big WOW! The Santa Barbara Chapter of IANDS was recently featured in the Mission and State newsletter in Santa Barbara. Barbara Bartolome is the leader of the Santa Barbara IANDS NDE Support Group as well as a member of the IANDS Board of Directors. Her personal NDE occurred during spinal surgery when she was 31 years old. In her words, "I was up on the ceiling and they were calling Code Blue, they were putting an oxygen mask on me as I looked down at my body. I thought, ‘Huh. If I’m up here and my body’s down there, I must’ve… died.’”
This article provides a wonderful review of a meeting of the IANDS chapter in Santa Barbara as well as a discussion of the NDE experience and the scientific evidence that has been gathered to support this experience. You can read the full article by clicking here.
The Moon Magazine discusses NDEs wit
h Diane Corcoran, Board President of IANDS. Diane Corcoran is a retired army nurse who learned about NDEs during the Vietnam War. She discusses the characteristics of a Near Death Experience and the important role of IANDS in providing support for people who are living with the after effects of an NDE.
"[Experiencers] typically become more altruistic, more loving, less materialistic; they no longer want to hold on to grudges."
Read more about Diane, NDEs, and IANDS in the full article. You can learn more about Diane at her website.
IANDS proudly presents NDE Radio, a weekly exploration of near-death experiences and similar encounters with the other side, hosted by Lee Witting.
The first show was broadcast on Monday, September 9! And the program will now broadcast every Monday at 11 AM Eastern.
The show features first-hand stories of near-death and out-of-body experiences, interviews with guests who have experienced the other side, and with researchers of the NDE and other "mystical" phenomena. Shows will offer the chance for audience call-ins, and each show will be archived for listening at any time.
We've made a number of important changes to our web site and social media:
Jeff Garton of Veteran Empowerment Training recently interviewed IANDS President Diane Corcoran about her Combat NDE Project, reviewing her military career as a nurse and her work on near-death experiences (NDEs) and with IANDS.
Dr. Corcoran launched the Combat NDE Project to develop education materials and videos to reach out to veterans in military or VA facilities—to get the word out to veterans about NDEs to help them understand their own NDE and the aftereffects they may be experiencing.
The Veteran Empowerment Training is a job and career readiness training for veterans.
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