These NDE accounts were submitted to our website and are published here anonymously. Minor edits have been made to protect the identity of the experiencer and others who may have been involved with the experience. Note to researchers and authors: IANDS cannot grant permission to publish quotations from these NDE accounts because we have not received permission from the NDE authors to do so. However, we advise authors who wish to use quotations from these accounts to follow the Fair Use Doctrine. See our Copyright Policy for more information. We recommend adopting this practice for quotations from our web site before you have written your book or article.
Back in the spring of 1992 I was going through a custody battle with my ex-husband over the custody of my two young sons. The experience was very stressful for me and at times I considered suicide but never made any plan or attempt to take my own life.
One day I came home from work and feeling exhausted I laid down on my bed to rest. I have no idea how long I'd been lying there but the next thing I remember was a feeling of being lifted up very quickly. Above me I could see a bright blue sky and clouds that were as white as you can imagine. The sun was shining brightly and the sky looked just beautiful. My ascent was so quick I could feel the pressure on my body and the force of the wind against me. As I sped through the white clouds I remember saying, "Please don't drop me". I wasn't really afraid but knew that I had no control over where I was or what was happening to me. I didn't see or hear anyone or anything but the clouds and the beautiful blue sky but somehow I knew it was God lifting me up and I was in his hands. All at once when I said that I started to descend back to earth again at a very rapid pace. Its funny because I never felt that I stopped rising before I started to fall it just happened. It didn't hurt but I could feel the pressure and the wind on me somewhat like feeling the gravitational pull when you are on a roller coaster.
When I woke up I was stiff and it took a few seconds before I could move. I raised my head and looked down at my arms and legs and they were stretched out as straight as a board on the bed. I could still feel the pressure from the force at which I'd been moving and it took awhile before I could move my limbs. When I finally did I just laid there wondering what had happened to me. I looked over at my clock to see how long it had been since I laid down but to this day I remember seeing the clock but for some reason it never registered in my head what time it was or how long I'd been there.
It's been 11 years since I had that experience and I still remember it like it was yesterday and wish someone could explain what happened to me.
If any of your followers are familiar with this type of experience they can contact me. Thank you.
The first thing I remember happening, is that I am all of a sudden outside the kitchen window on our farm. I believe this occurred when I was in the Hospital for two weeks during and after my surgery.
There was a glow from the east horizon that leads me to believe dawn was breaking, but what I remember most is the feelings. I was me, but I wasn't. I was not afraid, and normally, I was terrified of the dark, and was not at all concerned about being outside our kitchen window. I remember I light glow from the window, probably our night light, and I had no interest in going back inside. I could hear everything, the sound of crickets I remember, and other sounds, as if they were magnified. I could look around me, and I did a slow peripheral once around, although I do not remember how. I was confused, because although I recognized home, I knew I was not where I needed to be. There was a feeling almost of disassociation that I can not explain. And I was a child totally bonded to family and my siblings. I gradually remember feeling an awareness that I needed to go " up the hill". I do not understand this, although we were situated on the side of a hill, and up the hill would have been north. I only knew I had to go up the hill. I saw no one that I can remember, I don't remember waking from this experience, but I remember so clearly that once the realization that I had to go up the hill was firmly established, I felt the top of my head suctioned (that's the only way I can describe it) and I felt myself pulled with incredible swiftness and force. I can't remember where.
I did not have a clue what happened until I read an excerpt many years later in the Reader's digest, about Raymond Moody's book, and it described some of the features.
I have had some very strange experiences since, but the one most notable is, under a moment of extreme duress, I had my wedding ring melt on my finger. I still have this ring, and my daughter was present with me when it happened.
I can't explain it, nor my other experiences, but I feel sometimes that I live apart from others because of how I feel about life. I have an extreme desire to help other people who are in need, feel differently about some of the things that are important in life, and no one to really talk to about the things that I consider so important. I take for granted a lot of what happens in an out of the ordinary way, but I still have curiosity about it.
I was in the reserve medical forces (Territorial Army Medical Corp) and had plenty of training and experience of hillwalking all over the United Kingdom. I'd been part of the team that won the UK TAMC hillwalking competitions twice in a row, were prior 2nd and was one of the strongest members of the team. The year prior I'd also walked from Exeter to London (180 miles) in 7 days - no backup. Walking was my strength.
In October 1988 set off early in morning from nearest Youth Hostel (where I'd spent the night) to hike up Eire's Highest Peek. I was prepared carrying in approximately 6 miles a full pack.
Started the ascent along track by side of stream - mid morning. Reached the path in front of the Lough up the stream to the saddle. It must have been early afternoon now. Ascended to the peek, came back down to the saddle and route up looked too steep to attempt with full pack and no rope - checked map and decided to walk along ridges and down at the end where descent not so steep. Into walk wind picked up mist came down and exhaustion started to set in - mid/late afternoon.
Decided to rest a little - used up last of water and few remaining food supplies. Temperature and visibility dropped radically rain picked up as too wind chill factor. I needed to abandon the ridge a.s.a.p. and had to rely purely on compass bearings over rocky steep terrain, with map showing I was in the area of shear cliff drops.
Now, exhausted, cold, wet, no food water, exposed and in a geographically risky situation. I had no choice but in later afternoon to try and sit it out! At first, plenty of shivering but this quickly reduced to nil, as I didn't have the energy left to shiver. My extremities initially felt freezing and this gradually extended from fingers, toes and face, to hands, feet, legs, arms, body, then nothing. By this time I was drifting in and out of 'sleep' seeing myself elsewhere then finding myself back on the mountain. I'd tried the international distress signal but the wind blew the sound back to me and each time I blew it meant exposing my face to the elements. The mist was so thick that the touch light - used to signal, was also bounced back. There was no way I was coming off this mountain alive. I knew it and I resigned myself to it.
I thought that now I was to die what did this hold? If I were to die and there was no afterlife then it held nothing for me - but, if there were an afterlife, whom would I want to see? That person was my Grandmother. She was a devout Christian and I realized that if she were right she'd be in Heaven and that I was far from a state of grace and as such would not be going to heaven if there were a heaven. So, I prayed for forgiveness and that I would be put out of my suffering and I prayed for those I'd leave behind. I don't know what time it was by now and I had made my piece with God and the world.
Then it happened, I don't know how long it actually lasted, it seemed like a split second but before it happened it was completely dark and after dawn was starting to break.
I found myself -who/whatever myself was without a body completely surrounded by a bright white light unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. There was no floor, walls, ceiling just the light. And the emotions - the closest word to it I can think of filled me with such overwhelming peace, joy - Love. Like nothing I'd explored before or since! In front of me stood a person in a white robe draping down to his feet. His arms were outstretched and behind him was a cross - but not of wood, of something I do not know. He looked at me and I was in a state of immense peace, as too he and I knew him to be Jesus. There were no remains of the crucifixion physically on him and I have since learned to recognize his state as being post the transfiguration. I was dead.
Suddenly, I was back on the mountain, dawn was about to break, and I was cold, exhausted, and thirsty beyond belief and famished. Yet, shortly after dawn the mist began to break and I found myself perched on a small ledge over what must have been a three hundred-foot sheer drop. To one side, very close, I could make out a sheep track that could safely lead me off the mountain.
I don't to this day know where I found the strength from to come the 4 miles down and back out to civilization and I still even now have lost sensation in all my fingertips being left only with a continual feeling of pins and needles. I was a pagan when I went up and came down a devout Christian and continue to remain so.
My family and friends couldn't believe what had happened and tended not to believe me or wrote it of as some sort of post traumatic stress disorder. So, for the past 15 years I've kept it to myself, my wife and my mother-in-law (devout Christian) as I don't want to risk being given some sort of a 'mental illness label', or loss of confidence from those whom I live and work with. Until these last few days, I thought I was the only one, or of very few.
July 3, 1999 1:12 am. I borrowed a new motorcycle and was travelling at a high rate of speed in an area that I knew well.
I wrecked the motorcycle (high sided) and my body flew approx. 128 feet. At point of rest, I struck my head on a curb. (And no I wasn't wearing a helmet.) I had a serious head injury and I do not remember anything for the next 25 or so days.
I was in a coma for the majority of that time. My Neurosurgeon advised me, when I met him unmediated, that I died twice on the O/R table.
One of my first conscious thoughts after I came out of the coma was to look for my mother, who died in '84. And to look for a best friend, who was killed in '94. I had conscious thought and knowledge at the time that they were both deceased. I still looked for them, and I could feel them with me. I had the feeling of both my mother and friend being with me for several days, then the feeling dissipated.
I often wondered if the feeling of my friend and mother because of the head injury, or an actual life event. Currently, I have strong feelings that they were with me and helped me survive my injuries.
In addition, I wonder if I had an out of body experience and fail to remember that event.
I had hemorrhoid banding and ended up with a blood infection, gained 150pounds of fluid, died on the operating table, life-flighted to Pittsburgh and unconscious for three weeks. When I became conscious I recognized my family but I had lost memory. I still have memory loss of experiences related to a time before the event.
During the unconscious state, I remember darkness and peace. Following the experience and during recovery I never felt fear...I wanted to get on with my life and I felt an intense desire to do so. I was frustrated by my memory loss...such familiar things as not recognizing familiar people, not recognizing familiar places. Much of this is returning in bits and pieces.
At the same time of my recovery my life was changing. I lost my job...the hospital closed...I was in the process of taking over an outpatient drug and alcohol program and maintained some clinical responsibilities and volunteer roles. I was pulled back into these roles with great acceptance which helped my recovery. In spite of the unfamiliarity I was anxious to get back into my life. My family tells me this was always my style but I have a greater sense of purpose and a willingness to challenge the status quo and to focus on relationships and a central core of values. I am also more willing to resist the desire to focus on money or power and to resist the desire to condemn or criticize. I also feel myself going into depression at times but have through my struggles (life purposes) and engagement into these struggles I can always pull myself out of them.
My engagements are more fulfilling and they tend to focus on helping others. Or being engaged in a struggle that is bigger than me, my family core and extended. I am Director of an failing Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Private practice with a range of individuals including a new direction thrown to me...assessing overweight individuals seeking gastric bypass. I am president of the Local Mental Health Association struggling to raise $300 for new center and I am president of a Partnership on Aging, an organization focused on Culture Change in how we deal with older adults. And finally I am helping to lead a task force to cope with substance abuse in our children. These are overwhelming at times, but I have found that my experiences over the last several years has given me a way of coping...mostly through connectedness with the good caring people attached to each.
I have begun to connect with several individuals of faith who are also providing treatment...attempting to blend their faith and goal of helping others cope with mental health concerns. I have also made a connection with an old friend and mentor, a psychoanalyst who is spreading his understanding of the role of rejection in the formation of mental health and substance abuse problems and the need for acceptance in healing the wounds. This simple concept I believe has such powerful implications in bridging the formal mental health field and the core of faith/spirituality. I am just now beginning, through this process to get a sense of a higher power.
Thank you for the opportunity to express myself even though unorganized. I found your sight because I was looking for some material for a radio show I have been asked to be part of in this County...On Death.
Thank You!!!
I was hit head-on by a large auto. I was in a small compact car. I was not drinking. The last thing I remember was leaving a town, about 8 miles from home. The next thing I remember, it was almost 2 months later and I was in a hospital.
The first thing I did when awaking that particular morning was ask the nurse where I was. I knew it was a hospital. I asked her if I had died, twice. To please check my records, I knew I had, but didn't know how. She explained to me, how long I had been there, a car accident and my injuries. I had a Traumatic Brain injury, internal bleeding, broken jaw (2 places) sprained neck and back, left leg (6 broken bones), right leg (3 broken bones) & and had three operations to repair the total loss of the heel on the right foot. It was first said that I would not live. Swelling on the brain was extensive. Then I would be either a vegetable or permanent amnesia, (I did suffer short term memory loss for almost three years before it was okay). Family and friends say I still do, however, I do not realize it.
The accident happened at night and it was dark.
My first episode: I felt very cold, (it was Sept. 4th), I felt horrible pain, suddenly a very bright light came to me from above. I left my body, I had no pain, I was warm, the further I went the brighter and more at peace I felt. Suddenly I was in a large room. There is no way to accurately describe it, except BEAUTIFUL!! The walls were not solid. They looked like a soft mist. And the color!! It was soft pastel rainbow colors, is the best I can tell you. I could see shadows of what looked like people behind the wall. I stopped in the center completely at peace. I felt a tug, I cried out NO! I knew I was going back, and I did not want to. The further I returned, I could begin to feel cold and I could feel pain again. Suddenly I knew I was back and I knew I was going to die if I stayed. I couldn't handle the pain. Again the tunnel appeared. It was glorious. It was even more beautiful and remarkable the second time. As I entered the room I kept going completely to the wall and I stopped. I could put my hand through it, and there is no way I can describe the wonder and emotion I felt. I just knew I wanted to go in. In front of me, just behind the mist, was the most beautiful thing I have ever beheld. It was a large vibrant glowing peaceful figure, and I KNEW it was HOLY. I put my hand in, I could feel His, I asked if I could please enter. The most wonderful sound came to me; "Your work isn't finished yet". I said, "but I can't handle the pain". Again He spoke, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you". I felt a tug, I wasn't scared, as I left, it did get darker, but I felt no pain.
He kept his promise; I went through the worst of my healing and don't remember any of it. This is and always will be the most wonderful experience of my life. I am convinced then and now, it was My Higher Power talking to me.
I only wish I knew, is there a special project or mission I am supposed to be doing? Am I missing what I am to finish, or was it just to live day to day life and LIVE? I DON'T KNOW???????????? That bothers me.
I was taken to a dark room and placed on a slab. Then, a man came in and spoke to me about my condition. He was dressed in a black hooded shroud very satanic. He said he could help me with what? I don’t know to this day what I needed his help with. He left my sight & I started to look around the area I was in. It was what looked like a mid-evil dungeon. The next thing I know the man returns with a woman and tells me that they can help. And then cuts off both my legs. Puts my body and legs in a box and seals the box. I then watch the box with me in side of it put in the back of a wagon and taken to a furnace and put into it. Once the box is put in I found my-self in the box with flames licking at me.
I then awoke in a hospital bed. 2 weeks had passed.
My last memories were of riding my motorcycle on the evening of May 11, 1997 and then it was the afternoon of May 27. I was in the hospital bed with a broken foot, both legs, back, hand and skull.
After having a routine colonoscopy, I experienced moderate left shoulder pain. I was told to go home and rest.
My husband became alarmed later as I was having trouble breathing and took me to the ER.
After a work up it was discovered I had a ruptured spleen and significant blood lost and was rushed to the operating room. I knew people were talking right in front of me but they sounded far away.
The next thing I knew the pain was gone and I was standing on a very narrow ledge. I had the feeling that there was darkness and a void behind me. I had on a long robe and my arms were out stretched as if I was going to fly. I had the most peaceful feeling and I was overjoyed that the pain was gone. Wind blew my hair and I felt so cool and relaxed. In front of me was a beautiful lake, the color of green/blue was overwhelming. On the surface at the horizon was a bright silver sphere with triangles projecting. It reminded me of the sunrise. From the sphere a bright silver ribbon flowed to the water's edge. I looked down and the water was just gently lapping toward my toes, my feet were bare. I tried very hard to move forward but I was glued to the spot, I just knew if I could get to the water I would be lifted up on the water and float to the sphere. But try I as I may I could not move my feet.
The next thing I know is I wake up and I am in the ICU unit, having lost close to 6 pints of blood.
About four-five years ago I developed a very bad blood infection that went undiagnosed until the point I became deathly ill. The illness had progressed to the point where I was in critical condition. I was terminally ill and at one point actually felt impending death and that I could indeed be dying. There was nothing comforting, or peaceable about the experience, as I was not prepared, nor willing, to accept this end game.
I believe that I may have experienced this near death experience, but it certainly wasn't as described by more glamorous and transcendental depictions. I remember lying in my hospital bed feeling morbid and frankly borderline deathly. I became defensive and determined against these feelings and would not allow myself to give in emotionally, or psychologically, to them. I resisted and it was a labored process, a literal mental struggle, to resist these foreboding feelings from taking over my processes.
It was late nighttime and I was very concerned about falling asleep and the sensations that then started seemed very real and very much out of my control. I started drifting, in full awareness, into this non-sleep/non-dream like state that was totally unlike fully awake cognizance/reality. I distinctly remember a feeling of heightened awareness that what was happening to me I wasn't prepared for and wasn't ready to give in to and that I needed to resist with as great of effort as possible to overcome if I could. I was determined as the saying goes to not go down without a fight. These feelings, this altered consciousness, became more powerful -- actually more aptly described as more enveloping -- and I had a very real and remembered feeling of separating from my body just as reported by other people.
I seemed to be floating above my body, able to visually see the environs of my hospital room and slowly drifting towards the lighted doorway and the ward hallway. In this state I knew what was taking place and what was going to happen to me. And I resisted and it took an immensely powerful psychological and emotional struggle against what was taking place. I was not prepared to die. I would not accept it. I was a single father with a then 8-year-old son that my death would have been catastrophic. I had a feeling that it was imperative to get back into my body and to get 'awake' to overcome and offset and survive this ordeal. I kept struggling to resist against the pull that was drawing me to the lighted doorway. The lighted doorway was just that, a lighted doorway because the room was dark as others were asleep, it was late at night and the hall lights were on. They could not be confused with past reports of bright lights and tunneling. At no point was there any of those sensations, or feelings of euphoria. I kept telling myself in very strong feelings that I needed to resist without any trepidation, or halting hesitation to survive. I began verbally asserting my outrageous opposition to what was pulling me and that I was determined to prevail. It was an undeniable recognition that I must get back into my body and to return to a 'normal' cognitive reality in order to not die. I can't say 'asleep', or 'awaken' because these states and terminology didn't describe the state, the reality, that I was in and experiencing and it was very real.
I remember that everything seemed in slow yet perceptible motion and during my struggles this forward progress seemed to have been stopped by some unknown influence. I can't say whether it was my struggles, or my reluctance to give in to the processes I was experiencing that aborted this 'journey', or some other unworldly and never made aware to me at any time unknown whatever that stopped the process for whatever reason, but the next thing I know, the exact moment my forward motion progress had stopped, I was back in my body and wide awake. Sort of.
It was a completely alien state of awareness that I was in for a moment. I knew that I had returned to my body, but yet my spirit, my being, and my non-physical composition (my whatever) was seemingly out of sync with my physical body. It just seemed like my body, mind and spirit were out of sync and all needed to become re-engaged to become 'whole' again. As soon as everything seemed 'tuned' I was fully back and in control and quite beside myself. I knew what I had just experienced and I wasn't prepared to accept it. And I knew that what I had experienced was indeed very real and had actually taken place.
What I'm not certain of is whether my struggles caused the return to my physical body, or some unknown entity allowed me to return. A feeling I have is that my struggles made it become apparent I wasn't prepared, nor a willing participant to what was taking place and the process was therefore allowed to be stopped.
I can tell you unequivocally the process is for real. And I can also tell you that I haven't been the same since. It had a profound effect on how I perceive the experience of life and the transient nature of it and that I don't feel that I've fully recovered in a clinical definition from the experience, that it had a definite medical effect on my capacities.
This was a very powerful and evocative experience. There was nothing surreal, or subjective about what happened -- it is there waiting as a part of and a fact of existence.
For whatever it is worth...
I'm a 52 year old senior in Western Washington University's Human Services baccalaureate program out of Bellingham, Washington. I just finished reading Dr. Barbara Rommer's Blessings in Disguise; I was introduced to the book by a study group presentation in a Loss, Grief, & Bereavement class. Your book answered so many questions for me. Although I knew that I had experienced an NDE, I didn't fully realize what had happened to me or how profoundly it had affected my life. Now I understand why I'm not so troubled by death, why I'm not materialistic, and why I'm so accepting and nonjudgmental of people and situations. I haven't been angry in so long and I couldn't fathom why; I thought there had to be something wrong with me. There is so much I'd like to add, but this letter is already too long and I'm sure you've got your hands full. I wrote the following piece about two years after NDE/LTP happened. For a long time afterwards, even a passing thought about the experience would trigger a severe panic repose. I wrote this for a college English 101 class; the assignment was to write about a significant personal event. Luckily the instructor wasn't too freaked out! I haven't changed what I wrote for this class, but I have added a few notes.
Ian Flemming (James Bond) wrote "You only live twice, once when you're born and once when you stare death in the face". Among humankind, the rarest encounter with death is to transcend it through an afterlife experience. Most who return to tell the tale, describe a long tunnel ending in a bright and majestic Light: illuminating, expanding, and enlightening. There is a dark side to this experience that few survive, spoken of only in whispers. I journeyed down this dark path and stood at the crossroads of life and horrible death. It was a significant event, clouded in the mists of the spiritual. More than life changing, it signaled the beginning of life returned - a last chance to dwell among the living instead of languishing among the undead. [It was such a blessing to read Rommer's book and discover that my experience wasn't unique. Finally understanding what happened to me has enabled me to be grateful for who I am instead of apprehensive about being different.]
My journey began as a child of the 50's, born to parents radical for their time. I was raised in a world of beatniks, folk songs, art galleries, and social protest. Such a liberal and progressive upbringing should have prepared me to accept the 60's Hippie Movement as a logical extension of my avant-garde beginnings. My twin brothers (a year younger than me) grew into adulthood unscathed and well balanced. I would have too, but for one fatal flaw, one genetic trait, one lethal predisposition; I was born with a profoundly addictive personality. In the free flowing drug scene of the 60's, I found the destruction of my life.
Years followed years that followed years. Marriages that began with bright promise, ended in pain and confusion. Career goals waned with time, abandoned amidst failure and panic. Children loved, but lost in forgetfulness. Geographical moves from state to state and country to country. Ever seeking and never finding, but always hounded by the specter of addiction. The lifestyle of the confirmed addict takes its toll. It's sad to look back and realize that I've outlived most of my youthful contemporaries. Alas, all nightmares come to an inevitable end. After 30-something years of use and abuse, I was an emaciated mental degenerate, spiritually demoralized and lost in addiction. I was no longer employable, no longer able to fend for myself, and no longer in touch with the here and now. Reality and I had long since come to a parting of the ways.
Alone and despondent in a room at a nameless motel, I prepared once again to escape reality into a separate and secret world of magic and light, with a massive injection of chemicals. [For several years I'd been using lethal doses of cocaine as a trigger to move my spirit onto the astral plane] Suddenly, it was as if I stood beside myself, watching as some part of me seized control - injecting many times the amount intended. This was no accident, and I was powerless to prevent it. I watched in shock and amazement as I took my own life with a lethal overdose. Can the subconscious mind commit suicide? I hadn't made a conscious plan to take my life. I hadn't followed the ritual giving away of treasured belongings. I hadn't said those veiled good-byes. I hadn't surrendered to the euphoria that is part of the last and final decision to suicide out. I believed I was merely attempting one more temporary reprieve from painful reality. But in truth, some part of me was determined to die.
Glaring and fierce colors whirling with insanity...
A violent rending away...
Falling deeper and deeper into the abyss...
No anchor in reality...
No tether to the real world...
No lifeline, no escape, no return...
Doom and terror...
A vast and cavernous realm
Awash with twisted and morbid images...
Madness, malevolent madness...
In the midst, I beheld the Entity...
We humans are endowed with an amazing system of checks and balances that protect us from memories too intense and threatening to recall. Until recently, if my thoughts drifted into this chapter of my life, I would curl up in the fetal position, eyes wide in stark terror... Further details of this incident are still thankfully closed to me - except for this message delivered in a voice seething with malice:
"Fool! Years ago I offered you power, prestige, and position. You could have enslaved, manipulated, and controlled in my name. In your pitiful arrogance, you thought to turn me down, but I've stalked you all these years. You thought yourself on a quest for a 'Separate Reality'. This was my second and secret offer. You bought the pain without the pleasure. Fool! You bought the deception! I had you without having to play out false promises. In accepting the Quest - you sold your soul! You are mine! Your life is forfeit!" [Note: I stood looking up at an entity that looked similar to the Balrog in the Lord of the Rings movie (I briefly panicked when I saw that on the movie screen!) I don't remember fear as much as a desolate resignation and utter hopelessness.]
Was it live or was it Memorex? Was it a legitimate spiritual experience, or the drug drenched ravings of a madman? The Entity's vicious reminder of an offer of power refused so long ago pulled this incident into active memory.
I remember turning that offer down on the eve of my first marriage. I also understood its reference to the Quest. Early in my addiction, I'd surrendered myself to the whole "tune in, turn on, and drop out" 60's drug mentality. Timothy Leary and Carlos Castaneda showed me the way and the "Berkley Barb", the "Haight-Ashbury Oracle", and the "San Francisco Free Press" gave me how-to instructions in vivid detail. Now the Quest to transcend time and space, to cross over into a "Separate Reality", was revealed to be a lie. My thirty-six year chemical trek towards enlightenment was destined to fail from the very beginning... by design! I was left holding an empty bag.
I don't know how long I was absent from my body, nor do I know with any certainty how I was able to return. [Note: A bargain was struck that allowed me to return to my body - by whom and what the details were have not been revealed to me. I know that if I ever return, there will be no second escape.] I remember coming to consciousness a day or two later, still alone in that motel room.
I felt totally despondent over the years of seemingly irreparable harm that I'd done to my mind and body, chasing after something that was never there to begin with. What a waste! I'd like to be able to say that I never used drugs again, but I'm an addict. That's what I do. However, the realization that my days were numbered and the end was very close at hand began to assume clarity. I had to find a way to stop using drugs, or I would die. If I died in my addiction, I'd be returning to that abyss.
I knew that the Entity wasn't thrilled with my escape. I also knew that no power in me could have returned me to life. It had to have been a Power greater than me and more powerful than It. I prayed that this Power would help me find a way to live without the use of drugs.
My body had been saturated with chemicals for so long, I could no longer function without something in my system. Even simple tasks like bathing and brushing my teeth were a struggle. In desperation, I stopped bombarding my system with massive doses of chemicals. I stopped using needles and figured this would solve the problem. But I'd sit for long periods of time, rocking back and forth, mouth hanging open, drooling, and lost in hallucinations. I'd do just enough dope to be able to sit with my mouth closed and maybe take a shower. The illusionary sights and sounds never really stopped. I wasn't getting any better.
I finally toddled down to Mental Health, leaning heavily on my cane. I told them I was really crazy, and ask if they could please give me some pills to make my brain work right again. After a lengthy evaluation, they gave it to me straight. I was in the last and final stage of acute chemical dependency. My brain had been so damaged from drugs, that it was impossible to separate mental illness from my addiction. I needed treatment as soon as possible. I did not have long to live. Mental Health "pinned a note to my shirt" and sent me shuffling down the street to an agency that could help me get into residential treatment. I know that if a Power greater than I hadn't interceded, I would never have been able to wade through all of the confusion and red tape involved in finding help. Treatment would be a three month wait (an eternity for an addict like me!) I prayed that the Power that rescued me from death would please help me live long enough to get to a place where I could learn how to stop using drugs. Through that simple prayer, my obsession and compulsion to use drugs was gradually lifted over that three month period. I had been clean for three days by the time I got my bed at the treatment center. I vowed to myself, and to this Power that seemed willing to help me, that I would do whatever it took to find a way to live life free of addiction. I know now that a Power greater than I did for me what I was unable to do for myself.
I know now that I had what Dr. Rommer would call a type III Less Than Perfect Near Death Experience - in spades! Even though this happened over seven years ago, I still find it unsettling to delve too far into the incident. I've been clean now for almost six years. Early recovery was a struggle with brain damage from the massive infusions of chemicals. I read and reread books on American Indian spirituality - it made sense to me and rang true in my Spirit. I still follow this Way; organized religion seems too linier and controlling. I live life a day at a time, and I'm grateful for every day spent on the green side of the lawn! And I won't mind dying; death is simply a change of worlds. I've taken enough of your time. These first steps in understanding my NDE has helped me to be more at peace and accepting of myself.
I was in a car accident, unbeknownst to me at the time of experience.
I just kind of popped into darkness. But I felt forward motion. Until I felt pulled into what felt like a book with turning pages. I seemed to move within the book as it felt as if I was moving with the pages. I felt an abrupt stop almost as if someone put their finger on the page and I abruptly stopped and popped out onto a grassy field in front of what looked like a glass structure.
A woman dressed in white appeared. She talked to me very briefly, without moving her lips. She basically told me that everything would be alright but that it was not my time. I felt as if I wanted to stay and hear more, but before I could blink in normal time, I seemed to do the entire travel in reverse.
I popped out above the scene of the accident moving in snapshot like movements to my car. Closer and closer I came until I seemed to crash into myself at the top of the car and into my head. It was soft though.
That was when I could hear my ex talking to me. Then I could see and hear everyone, but could not answer.
When I got to the hospital, I told my ex that I had to call her and tell her that she was right, everything was ok. When I felt this wave of confusion come over me wondering how I was going to reach her. I was disappointed.
The biggest change that came over me was that I was stronger and more emotionally equipped to deal with the things that had previously sent me into crying fits and depression. The most wonderful feeling that I felt was for the first time in most of my existence was a lack of fear and the freedom I felt when I was free of my body.
I had always believed in God as a child, but had become distant toward the heavens because life had dealt me quite a few blows. But from that time on, I felt as if someone were listening to me. I talked to God more. In time, I felt his guidance through some troubling times.
Subsequently, when I cleared up alot of old baggage, my sense of knowing kicked in. I once even did what would be the equivalent of a spontaneous psychic reading on a coworker, and his girlfriend at the time. I told him alot about himself and his relationship and how the two of them interacted and some very personal things including the fact that he was once more spiritual, that I could see it in him. But that he needed to get in touch again and get married because he felt he was doing wrong by living with his girlfriend. I stressed several times that they had the capability to be the best of friends and the worst of enemies. They were both amazed and I was more than amazed, as I felt as strange about it as he did.
There were several occasions that my intuition would kick in and I would have dreams. When my current fiancée couldn't remember what cigarettes his Dad had smoked in life, I looked at his Dads picture and said, "Pall Malls?". Warnings of car impending car accidents and deer warnings. Not an everyday occurrence, if anything it felt more on an as needed basis.
My family and I were going to drive to my dance studio on Labor Day to prepare for the new dance year beginning the following day.
My husband and I decided to take our 3-year-old, out of the car seat and onto the regular car seat since the law says they don't need to use a car seat when they turn 4. He was to be 4 in 10 days. We buckled him in the back seat center. My other son age 12 and daughter, age 9 were fighting as per usual over who would sit in the seat behind daddy. My daughter made it there first.
It was a dark and rainy day and as we drove. I yelled at my husband for speeding. He pointed out the window at the speed limit sign and said, "I'm going the speed limit. 55." and then pointed to the speedometer. It seemed like he was speeding since the roads were wet and there was excess traffic on the road.
Without notice a white van/truck from the opposite lane came at us and then in front of us to take a left turn. She drove even faster when she realized that she was about to hit us. She probably figured she'd try to out run the accident by hurrying.
I saw her at the last second and went into some kind of shock. My husband said I screamed "NO!"
(I don't remember) and literally one millimeter of a second before impact my eyes were filled with a light white yet lime greenish light. It was virtually a second. It was confusing but didn't seem "unfamiliar". It wasn't brilliant or blinding or completely white. The color had lime in it. At impact I felt my husband's arm come across my chest to protect me. (Later at the hospital, I was so grateful that I was alive and so was he so that I could tell him that I felt that arm. It was comforting and will forever remain in my memory) I bounced around like a rag doll and forgot where I was and why I was flopping all over. I felt no pain and at the end I bounced up to the top of the car and when I did, I knew with every ounce of my being without a question that this was my death. I smiled. Not out of happiness but I think it was out of shock, as I knew that this is how it feels to die. It was pure helplessness and shock but somehow I smiled slightly. I'm not sure I thought of it then but I THINK I thought that dying wasn't painful. It was so easy how one can die so quickly without notice that it was..."acceptable".
Our car was totaled. It was a severe impact. The smell of smoke smelled like death. The sound of the crash was almost demonic. To see the car now one would say, "It's a miracle you're alive."
When we arrived at the hospital my husband who suffered only a fractured hand said "just before the impact I saw a light". My jaw dropped and I began to cry. We compared lights and he saw the exact color light I saw. Claimed it was somewhat comforting. BUT what blew me away was then he told me that our daughter, who was unconscious at the scene, had a concussion and a fractured leg, told him when she got to the hospital
"Daddy right before we crashed I saw a light."
That light saved us all. Our 3-year-old son, who was taken out of his car seat, had a tiny bruise on each hip. Had he been in the car seat, he would have surely fell forward as it was a cheap car seat and been killed on impact on the middle dash. Our eldest son who did not see the light had bruises from his seat belt. I suffered major knee injuries but nothing severe.
We all made it home that very night to have pasta and say grace together as a family as we always have. It was a miracle.
That light stays with me. It overwhelms me and we all believe it was God's light.
After several months of on-going medical testing and conservative treatment for a spine disorder, I underwent major reconstructive surgery to my lower spine in July of 1998.
At this time I was convinced that I had become a complete burden to my family and my surgeon had explained to me that my recovery would be quite lengthy and I was very distressed by this. I had experienced several other surgeries in my past but I remember feeling very apprehensive about this one.
As I was kissing my husband before entering the operating room, I recall a feeling of deep fear. My surgery proceeded without incident but the nursing staff reported to my husband that they had a great deal of difficulty awakening me from the anesthesia.
Later on that evening my husband said that my respiration’s stopped and the alarm was going off. I was at the end of the hallway and the nurses did not hear it. He had to run down the hallway to the nurse’s station and got a nurse.
I recall walking at a normal pace down a tunnel with a bright light ahead and beautiful orchestrated music. I could also see a field of water-colored flowers that were swaying along to the music. There were to my left in the tunnel three distinct mountains that were only black. To my right I could see the outline only of what seemed to be a little boy motioning with his hand for me to come toward him. I tried to walk faster to reach him and my feet seemed to become heavier and heavier with each step. At that moment I knew that the little boy was my child that I had miscarried several years earlier and was never told by the Dr. what the sex of the fetus was. The harder I tried to reach him the heavier my steps became. Suddenly I awoke and it was over.
My husband said that the nurse had given me an injection in my juggler vein to initiate my respirations. She said that the narcotic dosage given to me after surgery for pain was administered to high and had stopped my breathing. For several days after that my husband was afraid to leave my side for fear that I might stop breathing again.
There is no one that can understand this unless they have had a similar experience. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this with you
1. Driving across long causeway (over an area of Open Ocean), fell asleep at the wheel (had worked an overnight shift in a bank). The car veered to the right and hit a guardrail. As the car flipped over (repeatedly), I noticed that I was 'hovering' around the ceiling of the car, watching my body as it crashed around with each time the car rolled over. I watched in an extremely calm, serene state of mind. I also had a review of hundreds of life events, and each one offered a sense of profound insight.
2. The next six months, I was obsessed with a need to explore spiritual areas, and read many books on religion, Christian, Hinduism, all kinds of spiritual type books. Also read many books on quantum mechanics and physics. Learned how to meditate, and did so twice daily.
3. In one meditation experience, I had a profound experience, very much like the experience described by those who have 'crossed over'. I left my body, (actually looked down and saw what the top of my head looked like). Soon the experience of being engulfed by an indescribable light that consisted of pure love and acceptance happened and I was in that place for what seemed like 30 to 40 minutes. During this time answers to questions about the meaning of life etc were given to me but in a kind of incomplete manner. I was told that I could not be given all the knowledge yet since I still was 'living the human life'... I also felt that for the entire 40 minutes my need to breath ceased ... anyway the experience was so profound and earth shattering that I lived in its presence for weeks after. I described it to my mother, and I think she thought I was crazy (although she didn't say so).I know I had the 'near death' experience during this intense meditation session, even though I was not 'near death'. Is this possible? I was under a lot of emotional stress at the time, I realize that. Somewhere I was given this experience when I most needed it. And as others have said, the experience is NOT like anything we normally experience as humans. I saw colors so incredibly ‘alive’; they were not within the range of normal human senses. The whole experience made me see that our human senses are 1/1000 of what the spiritual world offers.
Anyway I do not want to ramble, but it is 24 years later, and I know it was the most profound thing that has ever occurred to me.
First of all, I had more the one NDE, but this is the strongest experience. This is the only one that happened during influence of mushrooms, but in my opinion it was a lot more then just that influence. In my life I used mushrooms 3 times, and I smoked weed for about 2 years. My parents didn’t have religious believes, almost atheist, although that’s different now due to other things that happened. Maybe that’s relevant information to you.
It all happened in a period of my life that I quit school, moved to an other town, only felt negative energies around me, because at that time my 'spirit' (or whatever it is) lived in bad vibes. I was very aware of this 'higher dimensional environment' I was living in. I kinda decided that I didn’t want to flow between these realities, and in my inside I was screaming all the time; why am I here? Show me something! Tell me why I feel there’s more?
This all sounds very depressing and it kinda was; but I always had some kinda peace inside me saying that it was alright to suffer now, I could learn from it, and in the end everything will be alright. That feeling made me think I was crazy or schizophrenic, but it turned out to be very guiding :-)
When I had the experience:
I was sitting on the bank observing and experiencing all kinda vibes that were in the room and I felt they were the entrance to other realities and DEFINITELY no projection of my imagination. Suddenly I was thinking: what does it all matter? I want to go there now, experience something else...
In a flash I felt/see my whole being and what it has experienced till then. Maybe some kinda of a slideshow, but actually it was more like a feeling. The next thing that happened, was that I felt powerful ethereal tornado's, which in a flash made me feel like I was making a free fall, that took me with them.
Then I had to look twice to believe what I saw: I was standing beside the tornado like energies and....I was looking at my self sitting on the bank! My skin was death-like white, I seemed dead. This scared me a lot. In the mean time a GIANT wormhole or tunnel appeared to me where I could go into.
All the time there was a being with me, I realized that it always had been with me! But it was disappointed in me. I had the choice to go into that tunnel, but I felt my life would be a failure if I had chosen to do that. Then in a flash I got REALLY scared of the situation and felt the tragedy in this all. I cried inside my self really hard and had a lot of regret and shouted I wanted to do the right thing and go back.
Suddenly I was looking straight ahead to the wall...I was in my body again. My eyes must have been as wide open as they could, so it felt.
(((I lived in an apartment at the first floor (1 level up that is, not sure if first floor means; 1 level up) and the people that lived on the other side of the road could look into my apartment.)))
The last thing I remembered in my body, it was afternoon or so and there was light. When I got back into my body it was getting dark so a lot of time must have past. Thereby, the people across the street were standing in front of the their window, looking at me, as if they were looking at me for quite some time.
For some strange reason, when I looked at them when I got back, I could hear what they were saying (!) : (woman): Should we call an ambulance? or the police? (man): no, relax, he looks fine now, you see?
This experience was a turning point in searching for realities without any reference of limits or borders. It made me aware that not anything can be done, things can go wrong if you just do things without respect for life. I have to follow the positive signs in helping not only myself but also others in being aware of life. And not only that, also just to BE there for others.
I could go much more into detail, but I want to keep this story a bit compact. Also I had more NDE's that are quite interesting too.
Now I go to school, I’m in the final class VWO (that means in English: preparing scientific education) high school. At the same time I study at SAE, which is an audio engineering technology school.
Although my English isn’t very good, I hope I was clear with my story. Anybody is free to contact me about this.
At 10 years of age, became very ill with "unknown" blood disorder. Was at home, and in and out of awareness. Doctor came to home to check on me. Heard him tell mother I was gravely ill and he didn't know what else to do for me.
Remember my mother calling to me to come back and then going through a dark place toward a lighted place. When I reached the lighted place my grandmother, who had died about 1 1/2 years previously, and with whom I was very close, was there. She hugged me and I remember what a beautiful meadow, with trees and water behind them it was. Also, what a feeling of love and peace from those who were there...some I knew and others I didn't "know", but knew loved me. I was not frightened at all. To one side in this meadow there was like a white light, so bright that I remember thinking that it should hurt to look at it, but it didn't hurt me when I did look at it. I felt such peace, happiness and love from this light. Then I remember my grandmother telling me that "it isn't time yet, you have to go back now"...I didn't want to come back and told my grandmother this but she said again "you have to go're not through yet".
I then heard my mother crying from far away...and I remember coming back through the dark and my mother was over me yelling, "don't go...please come back"...and I opened my eyes. Since this time I have no fear of "death" because I know there's another place to go to that is beautiful, peaceful and surrounded by love.
I was on a motorcycle at about 90mph in a two-lane road when out came a car from my right side and in front of me. I went from the right lane to the left lane as fast as I could and then realized that so did the car. As I applied the brakes there was a sprinkler on which was spraying half the road and I was on that half. The bike didn't slow down at all and somehow did not even fall over. It just stayed its course. At this point I was sure I was going to die.
That’s when I felt myself float away at about 15 feet to the right and close to the ground looking at myself on the motorcycle about 5 feet from the rear bumper of the car I was about to hit. As I see myself I notice that behind my head was my life flashing in fast motion backwards. I was able to focus on that and can remember some but most of all I remember seeing myself as a baby being held by a woman, I'm assuming is my mother. Then actually seeing through that baby’s eyes what seemed to be what it first saw when those eyes opened up after birth. At that point I was then back on my bike and saw the car in front of me with my headlights shining on the rear of the chrome bumper.
As I was just about to hit I felt myself being lifted to where I was almost standing up. Then from the impact I was going forward, which all seemed like slow motion. I saw and felt my head going through the rear windshield. That's when everything turned black and I felt myself floating. I was able to open my eyes to see but couldn’t make out what was in front of me. Then I looked down at myself to see if I was in one piece and noticed I couldn’t see myself but what I did see was a shadow of myself with my arms to my sides but up. As I was looking at myself I noticed I was not alone. All around me were other shapes very similar to mine and others different all moving forward. So I looked to see where we were moving to and that’s when I saw this very bright light far away. I seemed to be in some sort of ray of light going in its direction. When I saw this light the most peaceful feeling came over me that can never be described in human words. All I wanted to do was go to the light. What seemed so far away I reached in less than a second without the feeling of movement. As I was about to go into the light with even a more wonderful feeling, I noticed something below me and to the right. As I glanced over I noticed it was my mothers father who died years earlier looking at me waving his arms in a do not enter movement so I stopped in my tracks, like superman can do in his movies, and stared at my grandfather. I can't remember if he was trying to say something or not but I did not hear anything. I just knew he was telling me to stop.
That’s when my vision became very bright and white but my eyes stayed open. Then my body felt different, like my weight was back. It seemed like I was trying to close my eyes from the brightness but I was actually opening them. I remember feeling very confused about that but then my eyes opened and I saw that I was sitting on top of a car which was moving with my legs straight out and my upper body was in an upward position (sitting) with my back completely erect and my arms to my sides holding my self up. When I saw this I tried to move but could not for a couple of seconds then slowly I could. Without questioning my self, I jumped off the car and slid into oncoming traffic watching cars swerve around me. Then I stood up and saw the bike I crashed about 80 yards away.
I don't have any questions but any comments about my experience would be great. I just saw the DVD movie "Final Destination 2" and learned of "IANDS". I've told a few people about this but to be able to share this with some people that might have had similar experience feels pretty good.
During surgery on my knee I had a bad reaction to the meds they gave me that caused my heart to stop and for them to inject me with some other meds.
During this time, I remember seeing my knee in the brace with the tubes and medal things sticking out of it. And I heard a voice that told me to calm down or I was going to choke on the vent tube. My eyes were taped. I saw my eyes taped. How did I see my knee? The ladies voice was that of my great grandma.
There are so many different things I’d like to talk to someone about. So many things that I am unable to describe. Things that have troubled my mind and made me wonder about things. I have alot of questions and I’d like to have some answers.
My family owned a farm in NW Louisiana. They were burning off the fields getting ready for the spring planting season, March 19,1958. I was 5 years old and joined my older brother in the field. The grass was burned black and no fire was there so I sat down on the ground. I did not see the cinders that were still there. It hit my petticoat and ignited. I ran through the horse pasture and my brother tried to save me. One of my most vivid memories was seeing him cover his face against a huge oak tree, crying, unable to put me out and giving up on me. My mother was in the house with an infant son and looked out because of the screaming. She ran to me, jumping a 6-foot fence, rolled me and put me out burning her hands. I was conscious and very calm.
I was taken by ambulance and remember being in the ER with people scrambling and hovering over me frantically administering care. I remember not feeling any pain. I blinked my eyes and when I opened them (just that quick) the light was burning my eyes because it was so bright. I still could see the people in silhouette because the light was behind them. It was then permeating everything. I describe like living in a fluorescent light bulb and everything is brilliant and giving off like that light bulb. It is like being on the inside of the bulb and the light going right through you, coming out of you, etc. I could not see for the brightness. I complained to the people around me (I thought were doctors and nurses) that the light was bright and to turn it off. I kept asking them "how can you see?" I was looking through my eyelashes and one of them said "it would be alright in a minute, I would adjust to it." The light was replaced by a soft glow. This glow was more indirect light. It was pink and gold in nature. It was warm and loving. It is similar to the light you get at sunset and at dawn. Since early childhood my parents would find me at dawn outside and sometimes I would make my bed outside on the ground in order not to miss the sunrise.
I have the urge to be outside at sunset as well. I think it is because I am trying to find that light again.
The first thing I felt was unconditional love and acceptance. No judgement existed there. I felt so nurtured and loved as if I was being held up close to someone. It was the most wonderful feeling. Every thought was known to "them" before I even was aware of it. It was that fast! I was known by them as well as I know myself. They were beautiful beings. No wings. Just beautiful faces. Looking back they appeared to be male but I thought of them as asexual beings. Words were not needed. Every thought was instant. We did not need to speak. I did speak however later. I would use my voice. I acted like the child that I was at that time after I was into the experience. I knew that if I wanted to stay I would and could. I did not speak this out loud though. I knew I was there and enjoying it but that I could return. I discovered "they" were protecting me during the healing process my body was in. I was taken out of the pain and was told "to think of this as hibernation, and like the animals that sleep during the winter I would wake up to play in the spring again". I was the one who told them it was time for me to go "play in the sunshine" again. They entertained me. I played with other children that I feel more connected to than my own siblings. They are not in this earthly lifetime with me. I knew them intimately however and they are connected to me in some way more so than the people on this side.
I knew that there was a thin curtain between my family and the life I have here, and the one there. The people here can not see through it but we could see through it from the other side. Much like a 2-way mirror works. In the ER I had lapsed into a coma. I awoke one month later on April 19 (my 6th birthday). It was one of many such experiences. I tended to go into cardiac arrest due to my blood volumes and infection. Tolerances to large amounts pain medications required them to up dosages that put me at high risk for procedures.
I knew that I was destined to return. I knew I had a purpose to fulfil. I knew that I was not ordinary and a little out of step from other people. I did not know that this was not a common experience and that this did not happen to everyone. I grew up just assuming everyone knew about this. I never doubted the experience or question it. I know I survived for a reason.
There are other experiences too. I underwent cardiac arrest for 2 1/2 minutes during skin grafting. During this time my mother was visited by a being that others explained away to her because she was on medication for the burns to her hands. She held a conversation with this being about me. I do not come from a religious family. They tend to be a little skittish about such things. Members of my family, perfect strangers on the street, have often told me of a being they see around me. It is not unusual for me to hear this. I have also had friend’s co-workers, strangers in cities all across the country tell me strange things at times. They have also told me of a light that is coming from me. I have even gone unrecognized by family and friends for some unknown reason. My former husband of 25 years also did not recognize me one day when I came into his office. I talked to him for several minutes and then he sort of snapped out of it and was astonished it was me. I don't quite understand this phenomenon but my own mother did it as well later that same day when I stopped by her home.
There is so much to tell and words can not explain the beauty, rapture, and essence of the experiences. I get frustrated trying because I feel so inadequate to do so. I can not do it justice or convey the splendor of it all. I would not give anything for these experiences. The worst thing to happen to you can turn out to be the very best thing to happen to you!
I had had a surgery on my kidneys.
I went home and felt very sick. I slept a lot.
On this day it was different, it was a deeper sleep. I walked up a hill into what looked like a courtyard. I was met by a man with a jacket like on. He led me on a tour of this place. There were lots of other people and it looked similar to a roman type courtyard. I remember the grass being so soft and the colors so bright and the people looked at you with love. And they didn’t have to say a word but you knew that they were welcoming you. There were hills and the colors were so bright. And there were long tables with lots of place settings. I could here people talking and laughing and having a good time. But I couldn’t see them. The guide told me it was time to go back and as we walked the TV like screens flashed pictures of faces and I watched them. Then he led me by my hand and he said when you see the brightest blue the whitest white and the greenest green you will be home. I felt at ease.
I went back down the path down a mountain type path.
And woke feeling better then I have in a long time
On May 29, 2002 My Husband was completely ill from GROUP A Strep in other words Flesh eating Bacteria or Necrotizing Facitis. He had emergency surgery to remove the rotting flesh. Doctors did not think he would survive.
After the first surgery he started breathing problems and they wanted him on a Ventilator. So I complied. He then went totally septic. He then started seizing. When he had never seized before. They didn't think he would survive. The night he did they asked how strong he was I couldn't tell them, Larry had never been ill. But he had two kids they needed him.
Second day He had emergency debriding the dead tissue again. He wasn't supposed to make it. So, on June 13, 2002 he awoke and they exabated his tube June 14, 2002. Hours went by. I finally could talk to him. Alot of things happened while he was gone.
I waited a couple days and asked Larry what did you see did you hear me talking to you he said; “no”. “But I saw things I don't know how to explain it but I'll find a way”.
August rolled 2002.He learned to walk again with therapy. I was so euphoric and thankful and piece filled my world. Then I got a call. My second Cousin Gina Died she was 42. And my husband wasn't close to her but he started crying. He said; “I have to talk to you about something. Now might not be the time but I saw Gina die when I was in the hospital. I heard voices. I saw people with no faces but I could see their bodies. Their feet never touched ground. Their mouths didn't move. They communicated to me in my mind. The room was white top bottom sides floor. There was a door white with gold handles”.
He said he wanted to go through the door but they kept pulling him back. They showed his past life like a giant huge engulfing TV screen then it told his future. He told me they said when Gina died she will lose her cousin and her immediate family would lose a sister.
Then I have an Autistic Nephew Age 7. It told that he would go to a better place. In Jan 2003, my nephew started seizure from epilepsy. In that following May 03, 2003, my dear Nephew died from epilepsy. They said I myself would die of bone cancer and I will be in my forties. One of our boys is supposed to end up in the hospital ill or from an accident. And that’s why he had to return. His life wasn't completed yet and he had to be there for the boy's. He has repeated dreams that the world would go dark and is in the dark for a little while and it happened the whole East Coast of the U.S.A. went black in a power outage he also has reoccurring dreams of the future. Some are good some are of illness. But I think for our family that peace is in our hearts and gratefulness.
But my husband and I are trying to find people like him so he doesn't feel like he's all alone.
The only Question is do we try to change things or let it be?
On August 15,1962 my dad, brother and I went salmon fishing off the Olympic Peninsula at LaPush. At the time I was 14, my brother 12yr/9mo, and dad was 38. Mom stayed at camp to get things set up for our return, which was supposed to be in 3-4 hours.
The water was smooth when we pulled out of port and we had no problems, even managed to catch three nice salmon. On our way back to port the wind began to pick up and huge swells began to form. Suddenly the water seemed to drop from under us and the boat slammed down hard causing the motor to die and splitting the transom. Water filled the flotation compartment.
We drifted for several hours while dad worked on the motor. All during this time the wind continued to increase and the water got rougher and rougher as the rain poured down. We drifted closer to shore and could hear the waves crashing into the rocks and knew we were in trouble.
We talked over what we knew was about to happen as we got closer to shore. We knew our chances of survival were slim but the plan was to head south down the beach and get back to mom as soon as possible.
To make a long story shorter, things didn't go well for us at all. My dad and brother both died that night. As we were making our way through the surf, we were getting slammed into the rocks. The effort to swim was nearly a waste of time. We spent what seemed like most of our time under the water. It was during this time that suddenly I was floating above what appeared to be my lifeless body being tossed around by the waves. I no longer was experiencing the burning in my throat and lungs. I wasn't feeling the choking. I wasn't feeling the pain. I was at total peace as I watched my body die. I could see all around me but couldn't hear the roar of the wind or waves. I didn't feel hot, cold, wet or pain, just the most peaceful feeling I have difficulty putting into words.
Suddenly I was back into my body and the pain and all came rushing back.
A short time later it happened again and I was back above my body. I started looking around wondering where I would go from there. I just knew my body was dead and I didn't want to go back. My spirit started flying along above the water heading south to my mom. I was determined to let her know what had happened. Suddenly I was back in my body feeling all the pain again. This happened to me three times all together. On the 3rd time I knew it was over for my body as my spirit floated farther from my body. I was thinking that this had to be it . . . the 3rd time is the charm I had always heard. I became aware of other spirits around me. I couldn't see them but felt their presence. I was wondering what was to happen now. I didn't want to return to my was dead! The spirits let me know I had to go back, that everything would be all right, that my time wasn't up yet. I was back into my body again. Even though I felt all the pain again I knew I would make it.
My dad's and brother's bodies were recovered the next day. Took me three days to walk out. I was beat up, cut up and bruised but in good condition for what I had been through.
One thing that has come out of this is that I have lost my fear of death and know nothing will kill me until my time is up.
I was camping in Big Sur with my husband, my two daughters (ages 11 and 9), and my father-in-law.
We were preparing dinner -- I was making carrot and celery sticks, and my husband called me over to look at something. As I walked towards the campfire I was eating a carrot stick and accidentally aspirated a chunk of carrot into my windpipe.
I was immediately struggling to cough and breath but the slightest cough would dislodge just a bit but then my frantic intake of air pulled the carrot piece deeper until I was getting no air at all and felt myself choking to death. My husband was repeatedly trying to do the Heimlik maneuver, but he was too gentle and it wasn't working.
Suddenly, in the midst of all this, I "swooped" out of my body and was floating above the scene. My feelings of fear, pain, and struggle disappeared, and I felt calm, peaceful, and somewhat detached, though still "myself." From my floating position, I could see my husband repeatedly struggling to do the Heimlick maneuver, with my children both looking on with expression of shock and fear on their faces. I was surprised to notice that my husband had developed a bald spot on the back of his head that I had never seen before, as I had not observed him from this position. That seemed equally interesting as the scene of his continued rescue attempts and the sight of my father-in-law contentedly eating potato chips off to the side, totally oblivious of the struggle that was taking place just feet from him. I felt emotions in a very mild and peaceful way -- slightly amused that I had never noticed the bald spot, compassionate toward the struggles of my husband and the fear of my children, and amused that my father-in-law had no idea what was going on. I felt extremely loving toward all of them but less as a lover, mother, and daughter and more as a benevolent force for them.
Just as suddenly as I had left my body, my husband finally managed to do the Heimlick maneuver with the force necessary -- and as the carrot chunk flew out of my mouth I flew back into my body.
I immediately experienced my usual strong emotions, pain in my throat, need to nurture and protect the children, love and thankfulness to my husband, and general unsettled feelings about the experience. I didn't sleep much that night, and the feelings from the experience became more and more profound. I shared my experience with my husband and children who didn't know what to make of it.
Ever since this experience, I have had renewed joy, a heightened ability to live in the moment, stronger spirituality, stronger drive to serve others and the community, and I have lost any fear of death. I hold this experience as a gift that was given to me and that continues to enrich and sustain me.
I crashed during a motorcross race. I came off of the motorcycle and landed on my head.
I awoke 15 days later and remembered nothing of the incident other than being in a field, standing, I looked and saw my father who had died a month earlier. I called to him as I walked towards him and he did not answer me. When I got close enough that I was sure that he had heard my calls, I faded out and that is all I recall.
Upon waking up I had to think to remember that my dad had died. It was then that I surmised that the reason he did not acknowledge me was that it was not my time to die.
I am presently trying to get the lifeline flight report because I think I may have either died or came very close. My family doctor (who I gave all of the medical reports that I had access to at the time) told me that when I arrived at Methodist (the first hospital I went to) I had no brain activity. I also found out that when the ground ambulance arrived at the helicopter (lifeline) they shut down the helicopter for 30 minutes and no one knows why. (I am trying to get the lifeline reports)
That is all I have on this incident.
When I was 9 I had a ruptured appendix. My doctor said I had a kidney infection and he was treating me for that. Apparently things got serious because I remember my grandfather said: "this boy is dying. Get him to the hospital."
After that I am not certain I was conscious. Yet I have a strong image of my standing and watching while I was taken out of the house on a stretcher. (Although this may be a memory of some other situation.)
The next thing I remember clearly is being in a large room, lying on a bed or table. Next to me was an attractive woman dressed in white (it may have been a uniform). She said that soon I would be asleep and I would not hurt any more. She said: "that's a good boy." I think she gave me ether on a pad. I heard over and over again in my head: "that's a good boy; that's a good boy...." It seemed like I heard it for hours.
Shortly thereafter I was aware of being surrounded by a bright, warm, yellow-white light. At first it seemed strongest directly above me. Then I seemed to have no sense of myself and all there was, was the light.
The next I remember was awakening in the hospital with a drain tube in my stomach.
I passed out while diving long distance in a community pool.
Last memory "before" was how extremely difficult it was to dive 50m this time.
Next, I was suspended on pinkish clouds, everything was very bright. I felt better than ever before or after it. No idea of time. Next I felt I was being pulled somewhere, I resisted, did not want to go "back". I also heard female voices chant "come back" (in Finnish I think). Despite my resistance I felt/heard a metallic zzzooom type of noise/sense. After this I felt hard cold tiles beneath me and heard normal voices.
When I opened my eyes I saw a bunch of hairy legs all around me. I had been pulled out of the pool unconscious and come too fairly quickly. Everything mundane felt harsh, unpleasant and cold. In the shower I realized I had soiled my swim pants.
I have discussed the experience relatively openly with family and friends.
After analyzing it I found out later on that it was pretty similar to other peoples NDE's. I am quite sure that I had not been exposed to recounts of these phenomena before the event, I was pretty young after all.
At the age of 8, I went in diabetic coma. Doctors said I would die if I didn't make it by 5pm. I woke up at 4:45pm. I was alive. :-)
I spent the next 2 weeks in hospital as I was diagnosed with "juvenile diabetes" - First in Fiji.
Anyway, I was getting better when one night while I was waiting for my parents to come and visit me, I dosed off.
When I woke up, I saw a guy sitting at the end of my bed; I couldn't see the face. I thought it was my dad so I said "Dad"...and he looked around...He was faceless! The guy had NO FACE! I screamed. He got up and said to me "come with me" and put his hand forward. I was screaming and refused to go but to my amazement...I was moving. We both started flying and up we went. I realized I was up near the hospital roof and could see myself lying on the bed down below. Next thing...we were in a dark eerie place. I was standing in a pew with a few people. Then someone pushed the two ladies in the front in a ball of fire. The guy who pushed them was so tall, dark and very scary. We moved to another pew and 2 people were pushed to a BIG SHARK who started eating them. I saw big glasses breaking etc. Then next I know is, I was back on the hospital roof. I could see lots of nurses and doctors around my body doing something. I started falling down, and in I went in my body!
I still remember every single detail of it...20 years have gone but nothing can delete that experience.
I was having my tonsils removed and the doctor’s knife slipped and I started bleeding.
I felt myself raising up out of my body and then looked down and saw me laying on the operating table. I heard the doctor tell the nurse that my heart had stopped beating and saw nurses hurrying around me. I then seemed to fly in the air and go into a tunnel of bright lights and beams of various other colors were bouncing off the side of each wall but I was heading really fast towards an even more bright light. I had this wonderful feeling of being free, loved and very happy. Suddenly I could see a tall man dressed all in white at the end of the tunnel and as I neared him, he raised up his right hand and I just stopped flying but I seemed to be floating now. I wanted so badly to go pass him into an opening of beautiful colors but he told me “no, it is not time now. You must go back because you have a lot to do first.” the man turned his right hand just slightly and I was flying very fast through the tunnel and I felt myself fall back into my body.
I awoke and saw my parents at my side and I tried to tell them my experience because I was so excited about it but I couldn’t talk. I was bleeding heavily and my vocal cords had been severed.
It took me more than a year before I could talk and then I could not say “s’s” or “a’s” for a long time. I still have trouble pronouncing some words.
When I finally was able to tell my experience to my parents I was told that I was a witch anyway because I was born with a “veil on my face” at birth. I also was born dead and it took 2 doctors to bring me to life and my color was bad when my mother first saw me. She rejected me at birth and most of my life.
In the recovery room, after a colonectomy, I remember awaking to a feeling of pain in my shoulder. I was confused why my shoulder would be hurting since I was well aware of the type of surgery that was planned. I remember a man talking to me about the pain but I could not see him. He told me that he could make the pain go away.
The next thing I remember is my wife talking to me in recovery and telling me that the doctor had told her about my episode. That I was "dead" for eight minutes and CPR had to be performed.
The doctor had told her that he was up on top of me. She mentioned that the doctor had told her that he had talked to me about it. I do not remember that.
I do however remember a man in a hat. He was standing in the doorway, almost leaning a bit with his arms crossed. He was just looking at me but I could not really make out a face. He was pleasant and I felt comfortable with him. We talked, but at this point I can’t remember much of the conversation. He came and went over the next few days. I was not sleeping much because I was waiting for him. My mother happened to be there and she told me that a pastor had come and spoke with me and I do remember him but they were getting confused when I spoke of the man in the hat. I would tell them about meeting with him and they would assume that I was talking about the pastor.
I spent over 40 days in the hospital. When I went home I had other visions of him but kept them to myself. I don’t know why.
My relationship with my wife is different. My relationship with my son is much different. We are on the same wavelength most of the time. I can feel things now that I did not before. I could tell that my wife was having problems that she did not want to discuss and was trying to keep secret. I knew what they were before she gave any clues. I feel things about my son especially. I know when he is doing something he feels guilty about like drinking at a party in college. I can feel a lot of his feelings.
My daughter and I are on a wave as well but it is different. She and I are close but she is like her mother in that she wants to shield herself. It is like they know I can see but they are not sure if they should let me.
I also have a clearer image of my life and where it will go. I feel things. I know that sounds strange. I wish I could talk to someone else about this but I was afraid. I was afraid that they would think I was crazy.
The experience I had, I believe was a genuine enlightenment experience over many years constituting 5 near-death experiences and culminating in a fundamental mental change in self-awareness and spatial awareness; an irreversible insight. The most fundamental moment of change came in early 2001. I had been through 7 years of accumulated anxiety and depressive states, constantly questioning everything. A 7 year relationship (with my partner becoming pregnant at the very end) had ended badly in 1998 after which I became deeply depressed and unable to find work, agonizing over why everything seemed to be happening to me at once, seemingly out of my control. I had to sell my flat which took a long time and move back in with my parents. Panic attacks, constant anxiety, isolation, loss of self-control in terms of anger/ frustration & tiredness were common.
After numerous failed attempts to find work in the industry I was used to (cutting edge virtual reality art & design), I finally sought medical help for clinical depression after exhaustion and isolation led to mental breakdown (several times). I became aware of phenomena such as synchronicity, in terms of things that were happening in my life were echoed in popular culture (new films, music, TV etc) a feeling of being on a point of cultural 'zeitgeist' and often feeling I'd caused it. I became extremely paranoid as I listened and interpreted every over-heard 'street' comment as something about me and my situation.
After a while, I became convinced that people were talking about me and not often to me, about their impression of my mental state. I also had become so alone and removed that whenever I went out into 'public life' as it were, I was extremely self-conscious and neurotic, often breaking down and confiding in/ or being very suspicious of, complete strangers.
These feelings came to a head when at one point I just sat in my chair crying, rain beating against the window and then suddenly, a total shift in perspective; a lifting of a veil from reality if you will. I have since described it as my 'focus-pull moment'. In film, when a camera pulls out and zooms in at the same time, usually focused on the reaction shot of a character, the background and foreground change in terms of depth of field, while keeping the face large in frame. E.g. Steven Speilberg used this alot in the 80's (Poltergeist, ET, Close Encounters etc). I felt my whole self as a complete entity, floating in space in my mind and became very aware of simple things like one's being at the top of the body, instead of elsewhere, and that being the 'centre' of self. Subsequent to this I felt very unstable and 'spaced-out', the spatial awareness feeling that I was standing on a big ball in infinite space, often making me lose balance, literally. I became aware of a clear feeling of the universal interconnectedness of all things. Friends and others also began to notice and comment, indirectly most of the time, on my persona being 'lit-up', illuminated, halloed. These side effects I had made me very frightened, as I was new to them and uncomfortable with what seemed an added responsibility, although for what I did not know.
I tried to deny and bury my feelings and not acknowledge any after-effects, trying to carry on as 'normal' with my 'act', but it seemed other people's reactions to me were making me more and more paranoid and self-conscious. My 'final' near death experience came at a point when I got so isolated, could not think of any other way to re-enter the world of 'regular' work (all my offers and approaches had been turned down) and was attending a mental health unit.
One day, I was doing some gardening and feeling at the lowest point I had ever felt, like a lead weight with no energy left, and then a small black bird hopped up beside me. I looked directly at it and it looked directly at me. To be frank it frightened the life out of me, as at the time it felt like looking in the mirror. "That black bird's very tame", said one of the attendants. I thought she was talking about me (even though I am male, my intuition and general outward persona gives me some female traits). I felt very black inside at that point, unable to resolve inner conflict about my purpose and what my experiences and what other people's comments about them, all meant. I spoke to my psychiatric nurse about the black bird in the garden; I told him that in fact I thought the bird was telling me to live, else I thought it was going to peck out my eyes or something! Since that time, I have noticed many Robins where I walk, sometimes up to 5. I equate the Robin with Batman and Robin and it's always a good sign and a good day when I see one. It reminds me of who I am and that I have things to live for and a service to provide to others. These things may sound extremely irrational but I believe now that the closer you move toward your essential nature the more in tune you become with natural events. After all everything comes from and goes to, nature.
Or Tao, as I've come to call it. The infinite, empty, nameless state.
My life focus has now completely changed and I am becoming a mentor and life-coach, helping others to help themselves. My interests now are much more people related than computer/ design related. I have visions of global unity through spiritual experience and I am working on becoming, or rather continuing to be a catalyst for global spiritual change; human understanding.
Three days after my operation I was still unable to stand up and walk because I felt very dizzy. The nurses were insisting that I had to get up. After taking a few steps I fainted, they put me on a chair to recover. BUT I had to get up again in order to go back to my bed. So after the first steps I fainted for a second time and for a long period (I don't know the exact duration).
I don't remember how I got there but I found myself in a beautiful green peaceful landscape, with many flowers and running waters, everything had very intense colouring. I was surrounded by many transparent creatures (spirits?). I felt that they were very loving creatures and also that they were closely related to me like my family. I felt that something was pulling me away from that place but I didn't want to leave because I felt so good, like I was bathed in love and like I was belonging there.
When I recovered I found myself in bed with one nurse holding my legs up and the other one slapping me on the face with water. It took me some time to understand where and who I was. Also, I had a very difficult time to recover from the operation.
I was in the final stage of childbirth for my first child.
I began to hear a humming sound that got louder and louder. The nurse was saying something but I couldn't hear her anymore.
The things in the room and the pain faded away, turning into a dark spinning tunnel. It seemed to be spinning. There seemed to be grooves like that of the lines on a screw nail going around the inside edges of this tunnel. It seemed like it was a large black steel cylinder. It seemed to be revolving slowly on the outside but I was spinning faster and faster as I descended up toward the top of this cylinder. The humming sound lessened once I realized I was in this tunnel. I did not know where I was going. I remember thinking, Where was I going. I began to look around to see how I could get back out of it, yet at the same time don't remember looking around. I then saw a light at the opening of the top of this tunnel. This light was a small opening to begin with and then became immensely beautiful. I cannot describe this brilliant white, yellow light. It was like it was more of a feeling that of peace that something to describe. I wanted to go toward it and let myself continue to travel toward it. As I got closer to the opening the light got larger and larger like a spreading out of something spilling. There appeared the upper torsos of approximately 6 people looking into the tunnel. They reached their hands out toward me to help me get there. They were dressed in black, seemed very kindly. Just as I was almost in grasping reach of a few of their hands they pushed me back. I don't know how because they never touched me. They just kept their hands withdrawn enough so that I couldn't reach them. I remember feeling very sad because I couldn't reach them. I seemed to be asking them to help me get to them but not with words from my mouth. They said "No you have to go back, you have something to do, you can't come right now, it's not time yet for you to come. Words something to that effect. I remember them looking at me but they had no faces. Yet I think they were old relatives and I know for sure one of them was an old uncle that died when I was a child. As they withdrew their hands back into the light, I momentarily felt bad as my hands began to drift back backward down the tunnel. I didn't want to go back. I remember going up toward the light but it seemed like I only remember my hands retreating backward down the tunnel.
The next thing I remember was, in reality in the delivery room a nurse was slapping the tops of my hands quite hard and saying hey wake up there, you have a beautiful baby girl. I forgot this incident for many years or rather just never talked about it. I don't know which.
I went to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Novocaine always took a long time to numb my gums, so the dentist decided to use nitros-oxide along with the novocaine.
The next thing I knew, I was floating above my body and I could see exactly what the nurse and dentist were doing. I could see the nurse walk into the supply room and grab some supplies. I remember thinking "what's going on" and after that thought something or someone said, "you're dead." I remember turning away from my body and as soon as I did, I was traveling through a dark tunnel with an extremely bright light at the end. Again, I remember thinking or asking "what happened?" and then I saw some beings or entities, no one that I recognized, but I felt safe with them, and they said "you're dead." But they didn't talk. It was more like mental telepathy. I could hear their thoughts and they could hear mine. We didn't need to speak. I told them I couldn't be dead, because my mother was waiting for me in the waiting room and she would be really mad if I were dead. Then they asked me if I wanted to go with them or go back to my body. I remember thinking about it because it was so peaceful and beautiful and I felt so safe and calm. I told them that I had better go back because I didn't want my mom to get mad and then the next thing I knew I was in the dentist's chair.
The dentist and nurse seemed very panicky and he said that he would never use nitros-oxide on me again. When I went out to the waiting room, my mom could tell something had happened and she asked me what, but I really couldn't explain. This was such a weird experience and I'm sure she wouldn't believe me.
About a few days later, we were watching the Mike Douglas show on TV. He had someone on who was talking about NDE. I immediately said to my mom that that's what happened to me at the dentist's office, and explained the whole thing to her. Neither of us had ever heard of NDE before this, so I know I couldn't have dreamed it or had this thought in my subconscious.
I do not remember much of the detail.
I was in a hospital and lived there for a 'time'. Neither parents are alive now. I am curious to how long, why and what happened when I was there.
I do know that I had rheumatic fever. I collapsed when I was around 7 when I was playing. I could not move. (maybe my joints locked?) I woke up in the hospital.
Before I woke, I remember floating over some doctors and I was in the bed. I thought this was funny at the time. I heard, like a ringing noise and a bright light that shone in my face, not like a lamp. I did not feel myself squint. I do not remember an exact speech. But like a low voice. I have various languages in my family, so it could have been a language I did not understand.
Afterwards, in my years in school, I have seen a dark figure in my dreams that seemed to always calm and protect me. This person was like a shadow. With a hat and pants. Slim.
After I was married (17) I had vivid visions of the immediate future. Usually harming someone. So I would warn people. At first no one listened, but after these things happened to them, they began to listen.
I have had people do some very mean things to me and have had a deep calm come over me as if something telling me that it was done for a purpose. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years. I was laid off after working for 10 years. I have had all my needs met without any Federal Aid.
I am eligible for financial aid to go to college. I did not know this until I was researching on the Internet and discovered the Trade Act information. After many months of tracking the information down I found out that the information for me to receive the benefits were sent to Texas. I live elsewhere.
The other day, I was in bed. I did not feel good. (sometimes when I have visions I get ill to my stomach) A friend came by and asked if I wanted to go to the store. I did NOT want to go. He just made me. (I am kind of a recluse) He proceeded to go to different locations to take care of bills. Each location he asked if I wanted to get out. I said no.
Upon going to a mart, he asked again. I had to go to the bathroom and I went directly there. I did not enter the first stall, which was open or my favorite stall, which is the handicapped. But went directly to another opened stall. Inside, there was a purse, I opened it and saw a lot of bills. Over $700. Before thinking anything else, not even asking others in the bathroom if it was their purse, I went to the customer service. After and only after did I think about what I did. Upon exiting the store, I was approached and thanked for turning the purse in.
I am basically writing because I have been recently wondering why I am so focused on helping the youth? I have even written a proposal and sent it out to many churches in the area. I was working with a church on their youth program. I do this to the detriment of personal relationships.
I have been told that I can have a 'relationship' and also do my work. I am also the one in the family who is responsible for the genealogy and Hebrew/Native American traditions.
I heard about the near death experience through a reading about a Dr. Richey. I peaked when I heard him say that he has a passion to educate the youth. Next day, I went to the library and came up with your organization.
I am really excited now to find out what happened to me when I was in the hospital those many months. I would like to read more about children who had the experience and now realize this connection.
I don't think my daughter has had an out of body experience. I am going to ask her. But I do know she is strongly clairvoyant. So is my grand daughter. I wonder, is this carried through genes? Or hereditary or, can be passed on somehow? She also sees the dark stranger.
I was in my mother’s home, just about two months after my father passed away. I was very sick and my immune system was low. I felt myself feeling dehydrated and I could not get up without my head spinning. If I tried to get up to stand, the spinning was so severe, that I would land upside down.
I was lying in bed and I felt myself take my last breath. At that time, I said a prayer to God that, I have down all I could do and this was it. About two seconds later, two of the Brightest of lights about the size of a bowling ball came through the wall and came down in a curve towards me. I jumped back scared as a sheet. The two bright lights disappeared. First thing that came to mind was, I had to take care of my mother, I can’t go now. Staring at where the bright lights disappeared, about three seconds later, a jolt went through my body, it was total peace and love in one. It was electrifying total peace.
Then I felt able to breathe.
It took four days before I could walk around. The fourth day a minister came from Las Vegas to buy a motor home that my dad had. I had tried for weeks to sell it and never got a bite. Then, a Mormon elder traded the next day with a real nice minivan for my Chevy Van that needed a paint job.
It took me several weeks to finally get better. Later in the year I had a MRI done and, the doctor told me approx. when I was sick that, I had a stroke. I had a stroke at home and did not know that, I had the stroke.
My mother had similar experiences when she was young.
Had an argument with a man I was living with. Felt hopeless, helpless, unloved, unsecure, frightened, alone, confused, mistreated. Drank beer and took a whole bottle of Valium. Laid down on the bed to die.
The man I was living with came back. The emergency squad was called and they tried to revive me. I died going to the hospital and that's when my journey began.
I was drifting. Was revived. Got to the hospital and died again.
This time I drifted above my body and saw everyone, including my body and everyone that was working on me. I smelled flowers. I saw a tunnel and drifted through. While drifting through I saw some people I knew, others I didn't, they were shadows. I saw a light ahead. It was so bright, I had to close my eyes. I saw a huge city, all in gold. I felt no pain. I felt so wonderful, more than words can describe. I wanted to stay, a voice said, "No, you have to go back." I traveled in reverse, it was dark and suddenly I was back in my body and I hurt so badly.
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and was told I should seek counseling. A nurse asked me why I had said; “there wasn't anything to live for”. She asked; "Do you have children?" I replied, "Yes." And, I've never wanted to commit suicide since.
I lead a quiet, ordinary life with a strong belief in God and Heaven.
In 1987, my husband and I took a wonderful canoe trip into the wilds of British Columbia, Canada with another couple. Bowren Lake is part of a chain of lakes surrounding a mountain, and a very popular canoe destination. Many come from Alaska, Continental U.S., Germany and other European countries. The lake is in a Provincial Park located about 600 miles north of Seattle, Washington. This area makes you feel you have stepped back in time. The completely restored gold mining town, Barkerville has docents dressed in costume, operating the blacksmith shop, a newspaper print shop, restaurants, primitive homes, a church and a "Hanging Judge" in a courthouse where they hold mock trials.
The second day out in the canoes we found an unoccupied cabin built before
this area became a Provincial Park. Cabins were available on first come basis and were very primitive, but luxurious compared to camping and stashing your food and gear in bear-proof ladder storage areas. There were fresh tracks of many different animals - bears, moose, deer, many wild birds and a beaver dam nearby.
The second day, our friends opted to continue down to the falls. Since this involved portaging, we decided to remain at the cabin until they returned.
We spent the day enjoying the almost unearthly quiet. At dark, we stretched out on the floor in our sleeping bags. Sometime during the night, I was swept up by celestial "beings". I glanced back and saw my body still in the sleeping bag as we went through the roof into the dark. As strange as it was I felt no fright - only that I was being taken somewhere to be shown something. I really feel now it was my two brothers - one had died of a heart attack; the other in World War II.
Then we arrived in a brilliant blue/white area - there are no words to describe this light - so bright but no effect on the eyes. Then, I was surrounded in a large area with many spiritual beings and a feeling of love. - I was "told" without words that they wanted to show me something.
Then I saw my father. He was pacing back and forth in front of a brilliant, bright-lighted area, sort of like a cloud. I understood without words I would not be allowed to go into that area. He was young, and thin, dressed in a suit, complete with tie and hat; not in the aged body I had last seen him. He did not see me. I understood, without words, he was waiting for my mother, and couldn't understand why she was being kept from him and coming to this beautiful place. My father was the only person I actually saw.
Then, I was alone with an indescribable feeling of peace, and a sense of being a part of all knowledge - I have no words to describe that sensation. I do not remember being returned to my body, but was rather surprised when I woke up in my body in the sleeping bag the next morning.
What happened that night was just the beginning of many changes that took place in my life. I lived and was concerned with this event for over a year before I found a copy of "Life after Life" by Dr. Raymond Moody. Before that I had never heard of anyone having such an experience.
When we returned to civilization, a phone call to my brother in California, revealed the fact that when I had my out of body experience, my mother had suffered a major stroke and was in a coma for days. I immediately flew down to help take care of her. She recovered partially from the stroke and lived two more years.
What has happened to me since that experience is another story, or as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the story".
Thanks for listening. I feel I need some help in addressing the rest of my life. I have had four books published, and have more I'm working on that could change the future health of our nation.
My NDE happened around the second week in October 1999. For a year straight, I lived in constant, never-ending pain. I could not function.
My husband worked construction. Before he left for work, he would cook breakfast, get me and the kids up, and go work his butt off all day, to come home to cook, clean, do laundry etc. I had two small children, two boys, 3 yrs. and 7 yrs.. My husband & I had only been married for 11 months.
I could not take care of my house, husband, kids, like I wanted to. I couldn't play with my kids. I was told I would never have kids, so to finally be blessed after 10 years of trying and two miscarriages, and not be able to do all the things I dreamed of doing with my kids, well it broke my heart. I was deeply depressed and felt TOTALLY worthless. I prayed, “God, let my die!” “Heal me or take me home! I do not want to live like this!”
About two days before my NDE I went to my Dr. and got my usual muscle relaxers and a stronger pain pill. I weighed maybe 108lbs at the time. I took the pills as prescribed, but I feel that the dosage at that time was too high.
On the second night, I went to bed. I was on my stomach, I had my 3 yr. old on my left side and my husband on my right. I was instantly aware when I stopped breathing, I was like, “Wow, I just stopped breathing!” Then I rose out of my body and became instantly aware of how heavy my body was and how freeing it was to be out of it! No more pain! I began to float toward my bedroom door to the left of me and I looked back at my baby, my body and my husband and a feeling of panic came over me. And I thought, If go through that door, I will never get back to my body! Yet, it felt as if I was being pulled and couldn't stop it. The next thing I remember is being in this dark gray area, I was scared, there were these dark forms all around me, I could not see features but they had arms, because they all came at me, tarring, clawing, etc. I was in tears, I just looked up and cried, 'Jesus, help me!' Then, I was in this tunnel, while in this tunnel, I felt like I was sliding down the tunnel, this freaked me out, because I thought, 'Oh, my God! I'm falling downward, I must be going to hell! I was terrified!
The next thing I remember was trying to get myself to wake up, trying to kick my husband to get him to wake me from this nightmare! I woke up in tears! Shaking, scared to death! My first words through the tears to my husband was, 'Oh, my God, they were trying to kill me!' I was talking about the gray forms. I got up, too shaken to try to sleep. I turned on the Christian TV network, and they had a show on about NDEs. They explained in that program about people sliding down the tunnel to heaven, so I was relieved that I did not go to hell.
I had another experience, but I can't put the time frame together, if it was before this experience or after. In that experience, I left my body and went into my children’s room and floated over there beds, just checking on them. I assume this took place prior to this experience because, I just thought of it as a dream. Knowing what I know now, I know it was an out of body experience.
Since my NDE my physical condition has GREATLY improved! I enjoy nature! I love gardening now, planting and watching it grow thrills me, painting, walking nature trails etc. I appreciate this life so much more now. I know that we are here to learn and to love. I feel at one with the universe; I guess would be a way to describe it. Life is so much more exciting when you have the knowledge you take from an NDE. It’s just a simple knowledge yet it is the key to everything in existence.
There are alot of questions I would love to ask someone. I would like to go under hypnosis to recall the things I don't remember about the experience, but don't know where to go to do that. If I can assist you all with any studies, I am more than willing to do that and get my questions answered in the process. I am so glad you guys are there for us. Thank you for believing in us and not blowing us off as looney tunes! Keep up the good work!
My husband and I were in an auto accident a week before Christmas, 1964. We were passengers, sitting in the back seat, when another vehicle coming towards us side-swiped the car in front of us at a high rate of speed and then hit us, head-on.
My injuries involved a shattered left knee and broken upper leg, as well as extensive facial injuries. I was 6 months pregnant at the time, and went into labor as a result of the injuries.
I can remember paramedics looking at me in the vehicle, and saying, "Oh my God, this one is pregnant." Is it possible that I was alert enough at that time, considering the pain I had to be in, to hear that statement?
In my ADE experience I can remember "floating" down a tunnel toward a beautiful light. The light did not hurt my eyes, although it appeared to be very bright. There were beings hovering around, giving out peaceful "vibrations" and assuring me that I had nothing to fear. The beings all seemed to know me, and kept reassuring me that everything was ok. At some point I had to make a decision - to continue on toward the light, or to return to life. I discussed it with the beings - my decision to return to life was that I had two tiny children who needed me. I decided to come back.
I remember being in the intensive care unit, with my family around the bed. My mother was crying, my dad was next to her, an aunt & uncle around them. I looked up at them and my thought was - "I feel so sorry for them, they do not know what I know. It is so beautiful." That thought was very vivid.
For many years I did not mention this experience with anyone for fear of being deemed "crazy". I had not even heard about NDE until many years later. What a shock to learn that others had also had that beautiful experience that I had felt.
While I do not feel that this experience has made me a "better" person, I do know that it has changed my outlook on life. We are only here for a limited time and we must make the best of each moment. Death, in itself, should not be feared. There is definitely more to life than that which we presently see. I had been brought up being taught of God, Jesus and Heaven, and in 1969 came to a saving knowledge of Jesus. John 3:16
Suffered a stroke in the evening about 9 pm, after finishing up some shop work at home. Came upstairs to my bedroom, undressed to take a shower and collapsed.
During the 13hrs I was on the bedroom floor, part of my conscious mind began to function. At that time, knowing I was in trouble, I asked God for protection. The lord saw fit to send three angels to look over me. My guardian angel asked:"what would you have me do?" I recall the smell of clove.
I sent my guardian angel to put the thought that I was in trouble in the mind of a friend, Tom. Tom came with my next door neighbor, found me and called 911.
Was in ICU for 3 weeks.
Today, my left side does not function well, and I’m slowly working to be able to walk again. Neurologically only a small section is gone, with no impacts on math or writing skills.
Basic lTM is fine and the STM is improving steadily. Prognosis: arm: 95% and for the leg: 100%.
It all takes time.
I had to have my gall bladder out. I had been sick for a year and pregnant for most of that due to the gall bladder problem. Two months after my daughter was born, I went in for surgery. I was admitted the night before and I was very nervous about it. I was heavily sedated before they brought me down for the operation and remember very little. The surgery went well, but in the recovery room, a nurse noticed I had stopped breathing.
Then I had a cardiac arrest. I had no regular heartbeat. I was zapped at least three times with the paddles before they were able to get a regular heartbeat, but I still required a tube to breath because I couldn't do so on my own. I was in a coma and placed in intensive care. My husband was told I would have brain damage, but they did not know how much. I remained in a coma for a few hours and then started breathing spontaneously on my own. After they removed the tube from my throat, I started screaming and trying to get out of the bed. My husband related this to me. It took about four orderlies/nurses to hold me down. I was sitting up with my eyes wide open and screaming while trying to bolt out of the bed. I have no recollection of this, whatsoever. My husband was very disturbed by it. Finally, I guess I settled down.
The first thing I do remember after falling asleep for the last time before the surgery, was darkness lifting suddenly in front of my eyes--like a black curtain going up. And there was my husband standing beside my bed looking at me with a very strained look on his face. He said, "You almost died." The next thing I remember is my surgeon standing beside my bed, looking very relieved. He asked me my name and I think my social security number. He said he cried when they called him back into the recovery room to try to help resuscitate me.
I had a long and frightening recovery. I lost the use of my hands for a couple of weeks, my peripheral vision, and my eyesight in general was very screwed up. I literally couldn't see straight. Neurological tests afterward revealed that my brain was as scrambled as if I'd been hit by a "mac truck," as the nurse put it. My head felt strange. I told my surgeon that what was in my head, wasn't getting to my hands. After that the numbness came on. The neurologists said my ulner nerve had been damaged and the lack of oxygen was probably responsible for the loss of my peripheral vision.
When I was in the hospital this game show was on my TV. The contestants were given a math calculation to do. I was never good with math, but it was like a pinball shot off in my head--I did the calculation in an instant and came up with the correct answer before any of the contestants! That was the clearest my mind had ever been! I don't attempt math problems on a daily basis, so that has not happened since.
The experience, or lack of, was very disturbing for me. Where was the light? No bells, no dead relatives. That lack of experience was very disturbing to me. One of the first things I told my surgeon was that I didn't see a white light. He told me I wasn't "dead" enough. I had burn marks all over my chest and ribs from those paddles--that was "dead enough" in my book. What followed over the next few months was even more disturbing to me. One night I had a dream of being lined up in front of a firing squad with other people. I wasn't in the front row, I was maybe 2 or three rows back. The soldiers were dressed in some foreign uniform. They took aim and shot, people around me fell. They took aim and shot a second time, more people around me fell. The third time they took aim, I ran away and the dream ended. I woke up extremely upset to the point of crying. I had this exact same dream two more times over the next few months. The only difference was the uniform of the soldiers. I had a feeling of unexplained anger over the whole incident in the hospital.
Finally, I remembered I had a copy of my in-house hospital records (which I requested on the advice of an attorney after the incident). I opened the envelope and read them for the first time about six months after the incident. In it I found comments from the nurses about my condition before during and after the incident. Along with my physical condition, they wrote things that I said, along with the time and date of any conversations. The first words I said, late that night, after coming out of the coma were to a nurse. I asked her "did my heart stop?" I had no recollection of that conversation. The first conversation I remember was with my husband, and I mentioned nothing to him about my heart. I had no idea what had happened, but I knew when I looked at him that something was wrong. Yet I talked to a nurse before that and asked her if my heart had stopped.
A description of the operation was also in there. Part of this contained a description of how the drug (marcaine) they suspected as the cause of the respiratory arrest was "injected around the wound." The drug was administered as a "shot." This immediately rung a bell as the "shot" from the firing squad in my dream. After reading this, the firing squad dreams stopped. But it wasn't until years later when I happened to be reading up on marcaine in a pharmaceutical book, that I discovered that it was administered as a series of "shots" or injections around the wound after it was closed up. In my dream, I witnessed two shots; before the third one, I ran. I still cry about those dreams to this day.
Since then, I have made a full recovery. Although we like to joke about the jury still being out on the "brain damage." Most people don't know about my experience. I'm reluctant to share it because of my lack of a "typical" or positive near death experience. I don't want to tell people that I don't know what's out there. I believe on some level I knew what was happening to me. I was as knocked out as a person can be, so I don't know how I can know anything. But, somehow I do know. I lead a full, responsible life. I am successful at my job and have no physical handicaps from the incident. Everyday I wonder what I'm doing here. As a result of this experience, I raised my children with love and patience, respect and understanding and I think they are very decent people. I find myself waiting for my next purpose to be revealed. I'm not religious. I question conventional beliefs, but I'm comfortable with my outward religion for now. Whenever I hear "What’s This Life For" by Creed, I cry.
I overdosed on 76 1mg Xanax. I woke up in the hospital 10 to 12 hours later. During the time I was out I had an out of body experience that I equate to a near death experience.
At once I was a Dark Body Planet. I had no recollection of my life before; I just was the planet. I knew every inch of my surface and the exact measure of my depth. My consciousness encompassed my whole self. It is hard to describe but it is different then the consciousness that I have now which mainly in my face and eyes. The most striking thing about this experience and the thing I miss the most are Eternal patience with a singleness of purpose.
I knew exactly how far it was to the next body, I mean I knew exactly how far the next body was and I knew perfectly how far I was going and how long it would take to get there. I knew that I was moving toward a Black Hole. I had singleness of purpose and eternal patience. The journey would take billions of years and billions of miles and it didn’t matter at all. There is nothing like it in my life now, that kind of purpose and patience. Then I heard and saw my name called from a long way away, it was like light and struck me in my consciousness. Immediately I became a point of light and sped through an incredible expanse of space into my body.
I was in a hospital bed with an angel standing at my head. I could only see his hands, they were huge. I looked down toward my body and could see metal cylinders protruding out from my arms, hips, knees and ankles and I could feel cylinders out of the sides of my head at my temple area. When I noticed I became deeply concerned and distressed. I felt extremely guilty. Mentally I asked the angel why I was like this. I could feel and hear the cylinders in my head being pushed closed, when this happened I could hear a sound like the doors closing on the movie Star Trek. The metal was strange and left an impression on me that I am unable to describe very well but it was very high tech and light and hard. When he moved down my body with his hands he pushed all of the cylinders in and they locked with a strange sound. Then the angel told me not to worry, that I was born that way. ("It" was not my fault)
Then, I woke up again to the same room with my extended family looking at me and smiling and saying, "we love you."
Then, I woke up again and I was in the same room with just a couple of people there, this was "reality" and I was O.K. I was filled with the pure power of fearlessness and I knew I could never be harmed. I was absolutely not afraid at all. I knew the importance of the scripture about Jesus walking through the multitudes without anyone being able to touch him. This strength, although of no earthly use to me or my family, continued for 27 days without waning or decreasing in any measure. Until, I had a worry about the power bill come into my mind. It devastated me. It was like leaving heaven and entering hell. My small worry had the same effect as a major worry. The difference of night and day. One second heaven and the next hell. I crashed to the floor and cried. I just said no, no, take me back.
I had memory loss and had psychic abilities. I still may, but I have tried to keep most of it just in the back of my mind so I could reconstruct my personality, which was all but lost due to this experience. I lost connections with loved ones, like a relational memory loss. I became very intelligent. My mind was very quick and I could feel it. Like my mind could see the front and the backs of things. It is very hard to describe.
This should give you a general idea of the events and the results. I wanted to tell this story to see if anyone else has had an experience that is comparable. I am not a writer but, I have tried to be honest in my recollection. I know without a doubt anyone who has had an experience of this sort will have an understanding of how impossible it is to convey the depth and weight of such a thing.
Thank you for reading.
While having an operation for a rare pregnancy problem, I remember looking down from a place up above and seeing myself on the operating table. There were two people working on me. I couldn't see their faces, just the backs of their heads.
When I woke up I was very sick and I was trying to throw-up but, the only thing that came out was air. I asked the nurse in the recovery room why I was so sick and she said that sometimes when people are under anesthesia they quit breathing and a tube is inserted into their mouth to help them breath and air leaks into their stomachs causing them to be sick.
I knew then, that I had died long enough to leave my body and see or perceive or what ever it was that I did in that room.
I am not afraid to die now. Death is not painful at all. Sometimes I wonder if I would rather be in the spirit world where there is no pain. I am not suicidal because I have responsibilities but, I can't wait to go back there again as soon as I can.
When I knew she was gone; when it sunk in she was dead; I started to scream. She’s all I ever had in this world. I have no family but our kids. Just me. To be all alone with out her, as my tears hit her face, as I tried to close her eyes. No you can’t leave me like this.
Then came the light. Under the light was my wife and to upper right was my dad standing there with his hands in his pockets looking at me. To the left of the light was my grandmother, she put her hankie against her month and was crying at me. It was just like when some one walks at you at night with car lights [behind them]. I knew they were there for me (a nobody).
I still remember what my family did for me that morning. I’m still raising our children, they're 18 and 17 now.
I want to go there where they went and, I will some day? I don’t make the rules.
p.s. Me and my wife’s favorite movie was “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze. She always saved my dumb butt, even in the after life. I love her forever.
26th October I had a motor vehicle accident which, was not my fault. Head on collision, spent 156 days in coma. I do remember some kind of tunnel, light on end, rapid acceleration toward to light. I saw myself on the road, saw cars, ambulances, police, like from the top, you can count leaves on trees...
Mentally so strong, this accident made me so strong. Able to push myself to more than limits. No fear at all, not even from death. Completely a loss of fear of anything ...
I was experiencing much anxiety about sleeping and feeling physically vulnerable following a hysterectomy. I had moved to a spare room to avoid being jostled by my 22-month old daughter who always got into bed with my husband and me in the middle of the night. The twin bed was directly against a window, which let onto our front porch, and I kept dreaming repeatedly that somebody was trying to break in, and I was too weak to defend myself.
About 7-10 days after the surgery, I had a lucid dream in which my body rose off the bed to float about the house. It was as if there were a current of water about 4 feet off the ground and I was floating on it, on my back. After I was carried out of my room and around part of the house, feet first, I decided to go back to bed. I did this by grabbing the walls and doorways to pull myself against the stream back to the bed, head first. When I reached the doorway, there was no more current; instead it became more like free-floating in space. I had to do a combination of swimming motions and bouncing off of walls and furniture to get back to my bed. I had to also attempt several times to get the velocity right so I wouldn't rebound away again. Finally I managed to come to a dead stop just above my bed, but I couldn't go back down to the bed. I remained hovering a foot or two above the bed. It was just like floating on water.
Then I began to go up. A wall of mist gathered around me, so I couldn't see anything, certainly not that I was going up, yet I was certain that I was. It felt rather like being on an elevator. I thought to myself, "Oh, great. I'm dreaming about a NDE, and it's so hokey! A tunnel of light, how corny! Can't I be more original?" I had a moment of unease as I wondered WHY I was dreaming a NDE; I became positive that I was in fact dying, and I wondered why, for my surgery had been uncomplicated and I was physically fine. I had a flash of thinking that I had asked for it: I had been feeling suicidal and imagining it a few days before the surgery, partly because of job-stress-related depression and partly because of taking steroids to get rid of poison ivy before the surgery. As I continued to rise, a defiant feeling came over me: "God, you will NOT hold that against me!" Then I told myself firmly, "God is not like that; God is love."
Then the rising ceased. The tunnel opened onto a cloudy plain. It was bright and featureless, except for a floor and ceiling of fluffy clouds. The floor and ceiling appeared to curve together in the middle distance; I was enclosed in a large, empty space. But it was not a void; it felt friendly and safe. I felt good there. I had no physical pain. In fact, I was unaware of my body. I ventured a mental inquiry: Am I alone here? A mellifluous, deep voice, that echoed with feminine overtones, spoke: "Welcome, little one." I felt bathed with love and understanding and comfort. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run to embrace whoever was speaking, but there was nobody visible. I had the sense that there was an invisible door off in the mist, and that the Voice spoke from outside (inside?) there. I had the sense of being in a vestibule or narthex outside of a sanctuary or temple--maybe just outside heaven itself. I did not feel barred from entering, but I wondered if I had permission. Then the Voice said, "You may stay...if you choose to." I thought, "This is nuts! Now that I finally got away from the pain and struggles of earth--and without having to do myself in--why would I choose to leave?"
Suddenly I got an image of my daughter. She was precious and adorable, and I felt a fierce love for her. I wanted to see how she turns out. I wanted to be there to protect her and teach her. I did not want to leave her behind. Then I saw my 5-year old son, and although I did not feel as fiercely about him, I felt I owed him better than leaving him behind. I felt guilty for wanting to die. I felt even more guilty when I saw my husband and thought of leaving him with two small children to tend to while he finished his Ph.D. I thought of how he'd have to move out of the parsonage, and I couldn't imagine how he'd cope. I was feeling guilty, a little afraid of being roped in by my guilt, and then a bit resentful about it, when my view switched back to my daughter. I was convinced that I had been born for her, to bring her into the world and to raise her up. I felt that we had a covenant between us and God. I felt that God was accepting and forgiving if I chose to break the covenant, but I didn't want to do that to my daughter. It seemed to me that we had a mission, almost.
And my husband and son and I had tasks to fulfill together: learning and preparing for something, not necessarily something that we'd all do together. I knew I needed to learn from them, and I knew that I would be some kind of catalyst for them. I still felt guilty for not loving any of them enough, more so for my son, most of all for my husband, but I knew simultaneously that I was doing the best I could (I had an indulgent feeling from God) and that in God's eyes there was nothing to forgive. And I realized clearly that I could choose to remain where I was or go back and strive to do better. I found I WANTED to go back, and at that instant I began dropping rapidly, breathtakingly. I dropped upright, but as I came to the end of the tunnel I saw myself lying on the bed. I executed a floating-leaf maneuver to get onto my back and settled gently into my body on the bed. I thought," OK, now hurry up! Wake up and remember this dream!"
That's when I realized I already WAS awake, and looking around the room. I wasn't afraid of the window anymore; I knew I would be staying on earth until I fulfilled my purpose. I felt that I had been literally and actually faced with a life or death choice, and that I had chosen life. I knew I would have the strength and resources to face it. I knew I was a volunteer for this life: I DID ask to get born! I became intensely curious about why, what for. Oddly, though I chose to come back for my family, I didn't particularly appreciate them any better, not after a day or two. But I did appreciate Life more, and I was no longer so angry that Life sucks, nor so mad and impatient with God about it as I had been (always--that's what drove me to seminary). I did get more urgent in demanding parishioner’s step up to the bar to work for a better world; I wasn't willing to just love and coddle them. I felt it was up to US to make the world better.
This led to an eventual rupture with that congregation, though for 5 more years I labored to bring them a vision and a way of bringing that vision to fruition. When I resigned, I was ready to quit being a pastor and find an alternative spiritual path, but that was not practical at the moment, and a vacancy appeared that was just perfect for us as a family, so I have continued in the ministry, feeling that God engineered the vacancy to keep me in the ministry AND in the healing group I had meanwhile discovered in a sort of spiritual underground right in the midst of a conservative rural community. Now that my husband has (finally) completed his dissertation, I am pondering what to do next. I am about sick of the Church as an institution; God is too limited by the Church, and misrepresented. I'd like to be free to speak of God as I experience God: as healing energy and a loving Mind. I long for a more liberal and enlightened community to belong to.
My family raised me with an advanced spiritual consciousness and tons of unconditional love. But after age 13, my life was filled with death. First I watched my father die, then my Grandmother, then a beloved uncle died, all before I was 17.
At age 18 came the draft. I witnessed the very end of the Vietnam War, and the tragic aftermath. When Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia fell to the communists, there was death, destruction, and the mass murder of millions. As an intelligence analyst at a recon squadron in Southeast Asia, my job required me to study it, write reports on it, never to talk about it, and, worst of all, do absolutely nothing to stop the bloodbath.
After a love affair ends, people say they have a broken heart. They have no idea what that actually means; but I know. Seeing so much destruction and death--it truly did break my heart. Life was empty and meaningless.
For several years afterward, I lived in darkness. Then came a 15-year journey of recovery. Group therapy, psychiatrists, anti-depressants, support groups, men's groups, spiritual name it, I did it!
It seemed like I got better, but that war blew a hole in my soul that nothing on this earth could heal. I had a huge, huge case of survivor guilt. All those people died, and we didn't do a •••• thing about it. And I could NOT get over it. I was angry at God, for showing me so much death, for no good reason. Finally, I just wanted to die and stop my pain.
On the surface, my life looked O.K. A decent job, a lovely girlfriend, even a cute little house with a garage. But I drove my car into my garage, closed the garage door, put on a Beethoven tape, laid back in my car seat, closed my eyes, and left the big motor running. I was all done.
That Beethoven tape played for 45 minutes. In that time span, a high-performance V-8, with no catalytic converters, should have pumped out more than enough carbon monoxide to make me unconscious. And then kill me.
But I did not die. I guess I left for a while. I'm not sure where I went; I did "download" a program that actually "ran" later. All I can remember from the garage is, after my ego-self was gone, someone was inside me, taking care of me, running my body for me. But it wasn't me.
This guy had such incredible love, patience, forgiveness, understanding, and even good humor. It was HIM who, after the music ended, raised my arm, stopped the tape, and switched off the engine. He guided my body up, out of the car, and into the house. He even put me gently to bed.
Next morning, my ego, the little voice inside my head that wants to run my was gone. In its place was an incredible sense of peace. Peace like I had never known. A Peace SO big, it can soak up all the pain from every bad thing that's ever happened in all of eternity. God's Peace.
Apparently, I wouldn't be allowed to die. Since I didn't know what else to do, I began to meditate...and pray. Real, talking-to-God prayer.
I imagined I was out in space, looking down on the earth, like God would see us. I imagined Southeast Asia, on fire, with bright orange flames, and thick black smoke, pouring out into space. All the murdered bodies being put into the ground, their souls slipping up to heaven like wisps of gray smoke. I tried to fill my heart with all the grief and pain it could hold as I gazed mournfully at my imaginary vision of that war.
Then God answered my taking over my vision, by changing it right in front of me. The black smoke vanished, the orange flames went to a brilliant blazing white light, a light too bright for human eyes, like the light at Christ's tomb. The light of resurrection. God's Light.
Then it happened. Words cannot describe it. But I will try.
The "program" I downloaded earlier began to run. I guess I left my body, and I know--I mean I absolutely, positively KNOW that I went into the presence of the Living God. Every perception I ever had, every sense I ever felt before, in all my life, was a vague, half-remembered dream compared to the overwhelming power and clarity of what I felt then.
I was swimming in an ocean of pure Love. An ocean so vast, and so deep, and so beautiful, a mortal mind can't fathom it. And I knew I was born to swim in that ocean. It was the reason God created swim in that beautiful ocean of Love, forever and ever.
Knowledge and understanding appeared instantly, fully formed in my mind. Feelings blew across me like wind. And God helped me look back again.
The souls who died in that war, they ran up a huge rainbow, straight toward me and they were SO happy! It felt like graduation day, a perfect June morning on a beautiful campus at one of our finest universities. Here come the elite students, graduating with highest honors from the toughest course in all human experience. They VOLUNTEERED for this demanding curriculum. They were proud to be picked, and now they've passed with flying colors. Joy is what they're feeling today. A chorus of a million angels sings that joy out loud. In perfect harmony, heaven sings along.
Those beautiful souls crowded around me, like little kids in an Asian marketplace, eager, happy, and thrilled. Only this time, I was the kid with a tear-stained face, and they consoled ME. (God really tricked me, turning my dearest memory of Asia inside-out, to open up my heart.)
And here is what they told me: Don't worry about us. Don't grieve for us. We asked for our "life assignments" before we were born. We agreed to die in that war because our sacrifice will help the consciousness of the whole planet advance much faster than it otherwise would. Our souls get "extra credit" from God for doing it, and we can grow by leaps and bounds.
We're honor students now. Our future's so bright, we gotta wear shades!
When things get very dark here on earth, it's then, just on the other side of the veil, that heaven's light is shining its brightest. No matter how bad things look, never forget that everything..every single thing that ever happens here on earth is designed to help souls grow. Everything, and especially shadow lessons, are a perfect unfoldment of Divine Love.
God said, I will be with you always, even unto the end of the world. Everywhere, every moment, in darkness and light, in good times and bad.
ALWAYS. Forever and ever. Amen.
When I woke up, my pain and grief were gone. I was healed. And my life would never be the same again. My life used to work from the outside in. Now it works from the inside out. Instead of working and pushing to make things happen, I stay in peace and love and trust, and God moves things.
Not long afterward, a small miracle brought me my inheritance: over 100 letters to and from my Great-grandfather. He was a combat medic in the Civil War (1862-1865.) His path is my path. His truth is my truth.
I soon broke up with my girlfriend, because I knew, I just KNEW that my soul-mate was not far away. All I had to do was find her. While searching, I had some fine adventures, and I eventually found her. She had a NDE of her own, many years ago. Now she works in hospice nursing, to help dying patients have a loving, peaceful transition. She has the most amazing heart I ever found in all my life. Her love reminds me of God's love.
I had undergone open-heart surgery 2 days prior to replace the Aortic Root. The surgery had gone well and I was out of the ICU in 16 hours. I had started to feel real crappy by the end of the 2nd day and was not able to sleep at all that night despite the drugs given. I had a feeling of dread and panicked every time I caught myself about to dose of. Like falling asleep at the wheel of a car. I developed A-fib as a result of the surgery and I already had SVT prior to the surgery. The panic attacks triggered serious arrhythmia of various types. I had never felt so sick and weak in my life. Around noon on day 3 a nurse came into my room and told me she needed to show me some exercises that I would need to do at home when I got out in 2 days. I have 2 sisters that are nurses and they were there with me to see that everyone did their job. The three of them faced me on one side of my bed and I was asked to sit up on the edge of the bed. Immediately my heart stared racing, going faster and faster but not in coordinated beats. In the process of telling them that I was not feeling good I had a cardiac arrest. The official time before resuscitation was 4 min. 27 sec.
The Event
I was in an endless corridor. The walls sloped away as they rose on both sides. The walls were covered with moving images that I could not clearly make out as I could only see them in my peripheral vision. I was moving faster and faster. I clearly remember the feeling of acceleration like taking off in a plane only much more intense and none ending. Absolutely no fear, in fact I was feeling better and better. I heard my 6-year-olds voice call for her daddy. I barley heard it but I turned to try and look back when suddenly I was looking up at the faces of the code team. I tried to strike the doctor and nurse that were closest. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with dread. I can only describe it, as the feeling one gets when they have to leave someone they love after a visit is over only much more intense. I knew that I had died without anyone telling me. I tried to explain the experience all the way back to the ICU. It kept replaying it over and over in my mind like a loop tape. I could not get rid of the feeling of dread. Like I knew that I just missed out on the best event ever to come my way.
As it turned out. It was luck that I arrested when I did because it kept me in the hospital as I battled for my life several more times. I was given last rites 3 times in the following days. I spent 20 days in the ICU. I would have died at home. The desire to live and to die kept changing places in my mind for some to come. I don't tell as many people about the NDE as I used to because I will never be able to describe the incredible emotional feeling. Also it has become sort of a gift that bears guarding.
I was able to give some peace in the last days of 2 friends and their families after.
Now it is harder to remember it as I use to and would like to.
It was so much during the time. At the time, I could hear voices. And, just see white.
I had taken an overdose of over 150 antidepressants and sleeping tablets.
And, I have always assumed the voices I have heard were my family around my hospital bed. However since then, I have on occasion experienced severe de’ja vu. And on numerous occasions realize that a moment I am experiencing I have dreamt before.
I have also had severe feelings that things are going to happen and they have. I have never had dreams that show me the future or anything like that it is more suggestion and feelings.
I have experienced dreams, which have seemed meaning less to me but, has had international consequences.
Remember as a small child trying to think back as far as possible to my earliest recollections. It was the sensation of speeding (through space?) and hearing or thinking the words "At last." Felt as though I was emerging from an eternity of black nothingness.
Recently I went to the home page of a website with computer graphics showing what it is like moving through the tunnel. I was fascinated for quite a while because it resembled so closely what I first experienced. A kind of re-experience!
Now realize that although I have not had a NDE I've probably had a near birth experience and the tunnel properties of both are similar.
Less skeptical now about some of the NDE accounts.
At the age of eleven, together with my six-year-old brother, I was cycling away from a road. It was August 31st 1973. (Dates seem to have significance for me, numerology perhaps.) I saw a few friends across the road and wanted to join them. I said to my brother as I leaped from my bike, "Don't ever do this." Then I ran out between parked cars. I cannot remember if I was aware of a car approaching from my right, but suddenly it was there traveling about the local speed limit (between 30 to 40 mph). It was about two feet away and I could not run back or forward to escape, so I jumped up as if to allow the car to go under me. According to my brother, the car clipped me and I spun violently upward about 20 feet then came down headfirst. My right arm was in front of my skull, causing an open fracture to the humerus. I was in the road, in and out of consciousness, and in enormous pain.
I was in the final stage of labor after several days, sometimes knowing but most of the time not knowing what was happening. My husband did not come anywhere near the delivery room then.
On February 18, 2006 I was involved in a near-fatal car accident. I was thrown from the car, and sustained more than head, spinal, rib, lung, and arm injuries. I hit the temporal lobe of my head on a large boulder in a field and have a large scar on the side of my face from something unknown, possibly the glass when being tossed out. I was in and out of comas for a period of about three weeks. Most of my time awake I do not remember anything, but it comes to me in little bits and pieces with gaps in between. Right before the car had went off the ravine, the last thing I did as I was dropping my cell phone with tears in my eyes was pray that God let everyone know I love them and I'll be taken with him. My friend on the other line recalls hearing this and then a sudden rumbling and blankness.
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