These NDE accounts were submitted to our website and are published here anonymously. Minor edits have been made to protect the identity of the experiencer and others who may have been involved with the experience. Note to researchers and authors: IANDS cannot grant permission to publish quotations from these NDE accounts because we have not received permission from the NDE authors to do so. However, we advise authors who wish to use quotations from these accounts to follow the Fair Use Doctrine. See our Copyright Policy for more information. We recommend adopting this practice for quotations from our web site before you have written your book or article.
My body went into cardiac arrest twice September 2018 due to alcohol abuse.
Feb 20, 2013, I was just finishing my first ever plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) and they removed the central line for the treatment from my jugular with an IJC catheter. I was packed, ready, dressed to go home and my husband, middle child and my mom were in my room to take me home. They only had to remove the line and send me home...but it was a teaching hospital.
My name is Susan and I'm 65 years old. I have been on disability for many years due to several chronic diseases\illnesses.
This is not a typical NDE. I'm still not sure if it really was an NDE. But it was something that changed my life.
At the age of four, just before my fifth birthday, I fell headfirst from a height of 8 to 9 feet into an in-ground silo onto a concrete landing. I saw the dirt wall go by in slow motion as I fell.
In 2015, I was in a coma, on ECMO (life support). I was given last rites, and my family was told to let me go as doctors said they had done all they could (I was near death 2-3 times).
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