These NDE accounts were submitted to our website and are published here anonymously. Minor edits have been made to protect the identity of the experiencer and others who may have been involved with the experience. Note to researchers and authors: IANDS cannot grant permission to publish quotations from these NDE accounts because we have not received permission from the NDE authors to do so. However, we advise authors who wish to use quotations from these accounts to follow the Fair Use Doctrine. See our Copyright Policy for more information. We recommend adopting this practice for quotations from our web site before you have written your book or article.
It was 1986, and I was 19 years old when I had my NDE.
I contracted Lyme disease and a few co-infections. I went undiagnosed for several years.
On April 12th 2021 I went to Walmart as I usually did with my mom, friend Jace, and Mary (my wife). I was having a lot of difficulty breathing and walking through the store. I had to sit down a few times. Finally, I just went and sat in the car, because my heart rate hit 179.
When I was about 7 years old, I had a drowning accident in a friend’s pool.
Being assaulted and suffocated at the age of 3 was extremely traumatic.
Being briefly dead was a release from excruciating pain.
NDE was mystical, otherworldly and overwhelmingly wonderful because I experienced pure Love, and I returned knowing that our consciousness exists beyond physical functions. I felt that I received guidance from a being that came down from higher realms. The most beautiful voice I've ever heard.
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